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P. 34

Clearly you and your organization want to be residing in Digital engineering has the potential to enable countries
Room 3, where your extra digital knowledge can create to realize not only all of the inherent value in building its
opportunities that exist because of your competitors’ infrastructure assets, but, more importantly, harnessing
knowledge gaps. an ever growing body of data to better manage the as-
sets through their life cycle. This becomes even more
You’ll also need to be up-to-date with everything that’s critical with the realization that approximately 80% of
happening in Rooms 1 and 2, if you want to maintain the assets’ costs are incurred in the operational phase,
your advantage and maximize your opportunities. dwarfing development costs.

Yet, interestingly, Room 4 is the most important of all. It’s There will be many complexities, some of them terrify-
in here that the next, yet unwritten, chapter of our digital ing, such as new contractual models and data sharing,
future will unfold. The best way to prepare your organiza- as we leave the cave behind. Governments looking to
tion for whatever comes next in the digital space is to drive a digital economy and infrastructure for their na-
place yourself as far away from Rooms 1 and 2 as possi- tions need to realize that applying current day thinking
ble, and as close to Room 4 as you can get (the * in the to an unknown future simply won’t work. We have to
above diagram). understand that our knowledge is only beginning to
form before we lock down ‘immovable’ strategy.
What’s lurking outside the cave?
Our fear of the unknown is often our greatest fear. Yet,
The realization of a built environment which is digitally if Plato was still around today, he’d urge us to be more
enabled, monitored, responsive and optimized has the like Guy and less like Grug as we journey towards
potential to be one of the defining developments of the ‘Tomorrow’. Stepping into the digital light will require
21st century. exploring the unknown and expanding our horizons –
but at the very edge of the unknown, we’ll discover a
new world exists.◊
By Stuart Cassie

34 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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