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Marketing Data Lake Approach =


Some would argue to find the needle in the haystack is are always available and can be used quickly to re-
not only difficult, but even impossible, but that’s exactly spond to the individual needs of customers in real time.
the day-to-day duty of marketing managers. In the
course of automation and digitization, the purchasing Instead of looking for the needle in the haystack, market
behavior of a customer changes and leads to an enor- experts gain a comprehensive and quick overview.
mous increase in data. Consequently, marketing manag- ‘Data Lakes’ allow marketers to use more and more
ers use more and more tools to manage the flood of da- digital channels and to address messages individually
ta. to target groups, which in the long term pays off for a
companies’ success.
The variety of data sources and data structures are the
biggest challenges in big data marketing and to gain an Another advantage is that context-related metadata,
overview of all data that is stored within all marketing stored at the same time, records all information about
activities and applications, individual tools need to get the data flow and can be assigned to all findings related
connected. to customers or products.
If you now ask yourself, how to manage to keep track of
the many different marketing tools, the solution is simple: Of course, where there is sensitive data, security can’t
A place is needed where data from different sources and be neglected. Data lake solutions apply various security
formats can merge. levels, such as access controls, data masks and en-
cryption, to protect personal information from customers
This is where the Marketing Data Lake approach comes from third parties.
into operation. Unlike in a data warehouse, where data is
stored within files or folders, Data Lakes are a kind of flat Like a powerful search engine, data lakes help to opti-
storage container that collects a large amount of raw mize the data orientation and companies get a business
data and, if necessary, provides that data in its original -centric view of all unstructured and structured data.
form again for processing. A successful integration of the company's software en-
vironment offers great opportunities, especially because
That way, e.g. important data from Adobe Analytics, Mar- the focus is steered to important individual areas that
keto and Salesforce, regardless of their size or structure, influence the customer experience and thus optimize
the following areas:
40 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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