Page 41 - index
P. 41

 The intelligent segmentation of potential new custom- keting, need to have a common pool of data so they
ers; can share their knowledge.
 An efficient and effective customer approach; That way, each member of a team can contribute
knowledge about one and the same person and link it
 The personalization of any interaction during the en- to the available data. This not only avoids errors, such
tire Customer Journey. as outdated addresses or incorrect email addresses,
but offers at the same time the possibility to meet all its
The next step: Customer Data Lakes
requirements with a comprehensive knowledge of the
customer. Therefore, it is also imperative that adminis-
The critical part of a marketing data lake is the data it- trators and developers work together to form clusters
self, as for many marketers, data is rather an abstract optimally.
concept. What they do not consider is that core data is
collected from the capture of customer requirements, With so-called Customer Data Lakes, a unified view of
since the focus is not only on the sales figures of the last the customer experience can be created that helps the
products, but also on the interests or preferences of cus- entire company to implement new business models
tomers – even what they do not prefer. This means that which will benefit both the customer and the company
wherever individual business units are in contact with in the long term.◊
customers, different departments, such as sales or mar-
By Daniela La Marca

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