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 Live Event Analysis: Combines Watson APIs with such as when a show or movie changes topics. This
IBM Cloud Video streaming video solutions to track can be used to automatically segment videos into
near real-time audience reaction of live events by meaningful chapters, instead of potentially arbitrary
analyzing social media feeds. breaks in action. For example, the service could auto-
matically create chapters of video clips based on differ-
ent topics in a lecture, instructions for different cooking
 Video Scene Detection: Automatically segments
videos into meaningful scenes to make it more effi- recipes or house-hunting scenes for individual neigh-
cient to find and deliver targeted content. borhoods. This level of detail would normally require a
person to watch and manually categorize every piece
of the video.
 Audience Insights: Integrates IBM Cloud Video
solutions with the IBM Media Insights Platform, a A leading content provider is already piloting this ser-
cognitive solution that uses Watson APIs to help vice as a potential way to improve categorization of
identify audience preferences, including what they videos, indexing of specific chapters and searches for
are watching and saying, through social media. relevant content. This is a first step to providing a basis
for richer metadata services that can be used to help
create highly-specific content pairings for viewers down
These services are among the latest examples of IBM to the segment, increasing engagement and time-
applying Watson to its Cloud Video platform since the spent.
formation of its Cloud Video unit in January 2016. The
IBM Cloud Video unit brings together innovations from Watson Cognitive Technology combined with IBM
IBM's R&D labs with the cloud video platform capabili- Cloud Video Platform to deliver more relevant con-
ties of Clearleap and Ustream. tent to viewers

Watson has been applied to IBM Cloud Video for IBM also plans to integrate its cognitive technologies
analysis of audience reaction to live events with the IBM Cloud Video platform to provide deeper
insights on audience preferences and sentiment. IBM
With streaming video being used more and more often Media Insights Platform, an IBM Media and Entertain-
to broaden audiences for live events, IBM has combined ment solution, is being added to IBM Cloud Video's
the Watson Speech to Text and AlchemyLanguage APIs existing Catalog and Subscriber Manager and Logistics
with its IBM Cloud Video technology for a new service Manager products to provide customers detail into con-
that tracks consumer feedback while the event is hap- sumer viewing habits – such as other shows or net-
pening. The new experimental technology is designed to works watched, devices used for viewing and other in-
process the natural language in the streaming video and terests for specific audiences.
simultaneously analyze social media feeds to provide
word-by-word analysis of audience sentiment to a live The new service, planned for release later this year, is
event. designed to use the new Media Insights Platform to
analyze viewing behaviors and social media streams to
This capability, now in the demonstration phase with identify complex patterns that can be used to help im-
clients, could be used by companies to gauge and ad- prove content pairings and find new viewers interested
just to audience reaction before a speaker has even left in existing content. The Media Insights Platform uses
the stage. At a product unveiling, for example, viewer several Watson APIs, including Speech to Text, Alche-
enthusiasm might rise or fall when specific features are myLanguage, Tone Analyzer and Personality Insights.
mentioned, providing valuable insights on aspects of the
product that are important to consumers and should be These new services can be used by both media and
stressed in the future. entertainment companies focused on content creation
(Scene Detection Technology) as well as organizations
Cognitive capabilities to help understand and seg- across all industries using video to connect with em-
ment video into scenes ployees or customers (Live Event Analysis)

IBM also has piloted a new service that can provide a With the help of Watson, organizations can harness the
deeper understanding of the content in video. Today, power of cognitive computing to transform their respec-
technology exists in the market that can be used to seg- tive industry do a better job and solve important chal-
ment videos based on simple visual cues, such as a lenges. Find out more about IBM Watson. ◊
change in camera shots. However, content providers
continue to search for effective ways to distinguish more By MediaBUZZ
subtle shifts that require understanding conversations
and context.

The new pilot project from IBM Research uses experi-
mental cognitive capabilities, including technology de-
signed to understand semantics and patterns in lan-
guage and images, to identify higher-level concepts,

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