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IBM’s Watson-powered cognitive services

help uncover new data and insights for

increasing audience engagement

Just a few months ago, IBM announced plans to assist in Just now, IBM has unveiled new Watson-powered cog-
the rapid prototyping and commercialization of solutions nitive services for its Cloud Video technology that are
based on cognitive computing and blockchain, convinced designed to transform how organizations unlock data-
that in less than five years, disruptive technologies are rich insights for video content and audiences. The new
expected to drive dramatic shifts in every industry, from services can help deliver differentiated, personalized
healthcare, to financial services, to tourism. viewing experiences for consumers.

To help clients of all sizes in the Asia Pacific region lead Digital video is a booming area for content but remains
in shaping the future of their industries, IBM opened The largely untapped for insights as part of the more than
Watson Centre at Marina Bay in June of this year, an 80% of data in the world that's unstructured, making it
incubator designed to bring together organizations, busi- difficult to process. Applying cognitive technology is be-
ness partners and IBM experts to co-create business lieved to be a critical next step for mining and analyzing
solutions that leverage IBM's cognitive, blockchain and the complex data in video so companies can better un-
design capabilities. For almost 5,000 IBM cognitive solu- derstand and deliver the content consumers want.
tions professionals in the Asia Pacific region alone, The
Watson Centre at Marina Bay acts now as a center of "Companies are creating video with vast amounts of
expertise and plays host to Asia Pacific clients looking to valuable data, but they don't have a way to easily identi-
lead in a variety of markets and industries, using Watson fy that information or audience reaction to it," said Brax-
technologies that reason, improve through learning, and ton Jarratt, general manager, IBM Cloud Video.
discover insights hidden in large amounts of complex "Today's new services are a major step forward in using
data. IBM's cognitive and cloud capabilities to help compa-
nies unlock meaningful information about their videos
IBM Watson pioneers a new era of computing and viewers so they can create and curate more per-
sonalized content that matters to specific audiences."
Without doubt, Watson-powered cognitive services kick-
start a new era in computing, where systems understand Accessible through the IBM Cloud, these new services
the world the way humans do: through senses, learning, analyze video data that can otherwise be difficult and
and experience. Watson continuously learns from previ- time-consuming to manually process. They include:
ous interactions, gaining in value and knowledge over

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