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Criteo: Consumer set both

the benchmark and the pace

Experts, such as the performance marketing technology same time. Hence, only those who live up to be custom-
company Criteo, know well that success in the digital age er focused will be among the winners”, she believes.
depends more than ever on the ability to recognize the
needs of the customer early to act quickly. The data that The good news is that the digitization of sales and mar-
customers are leaving behind when making use of all keting activities provides companies with the instru-
kind of media channels are more and more the crucial ments for the systematic collection and analysis of such
factor for achieving outstanding marketing performance. customer data. In fact, due to the explosion of the chan-
nels and the increasing individualization, the traditional
As Ms Yuko Saito, Head of Strategic Market Develop- media loses in relevance.
ment, Asia Pacific, Criteo highlighted during a recent
media briefing, the days of silo structures are counted, The classic definition of target groups no longer
because the channels in use obviously prevent compa- reflects the reality
nies from getting a holistic customer view and customer
data accumulated from the individual channels must be Today's customer chooses products that match his/her
systematically recorded and incorporated into a unified identity and goes with the world view respectively, I
reporting before that’s possible. learnt from Criteo. Based on the products with which
consumers surround themselves, their environment
While presenting the Criteo-commissioned survey con- should notice what is engaging or what they stand for.
ducted by World Business Research (WBR) that identi- Interestingly, this identification model works regardless
fied regional retail marketers’ priorities, challenges and of age, which means target groups are becoming identi-
critical success factors when strategizing to engage ty profiles.
online shoppers, Ms Saito pointed out that the rapid rise
of large eCommerce players like Amazon, Ebay or To recognize these profiles in the first place and to use
Zalando shows that in the digital era those business win them, you need better and more comprehensive data
that know the needs of their customers, anticipate than previously. Useful data must be adjusted continu-
changes very early and respond quickly. However, this is ously and in real-time to position the own brand accord-
only possible if all data that customers leave behind gets ingly.
systematically recorded and analyzed. You can make use of external data to do so, but corre-
late them with the own data to select the right channels
“The more digital channels are coming into existence, for the customer dialogue, making complex analyzes
the more important it is to serve the customers consist- with a high degree of automation across all channels
ently, as their expectations are constantly growing at the necessary.

30 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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