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The reports must be editable flexibly, and not only for IT, We were also one of the first companies to implement a
but also for marketing, sales, product development and user-friendly and simple-to understand privacy policy,
service organization. Only then, the company is always giving consumers the ability to drill down to a level of
close to the customer, and Criteo is well aware of that, granularity at their disposal”, Criteo states.
steadily working on its portfolio.
Universal Match delivers a unified cross-device ex-
Just yesterday, Criteo announced the acquisition of perience while protecting privacy
HookLogic to strengthen its Performance Marketing
Platform to expand its business to brand manufacturers Since consumers generally use multiple browsing envi-
and retailers. Now Criteo will integrate its sophisticated ronments on their path to purchase, many brands still
technology for predictive bidding and product recom- struggle to uniquely identify consumers and tailor ad
mendations into HookLogic’s products, bringing in- messaging beyond independent ecosystems, which is
creased campaign performance to brand manufacturers the reason why Criteo released Universal Match, a
and enabling retailers to further monetize their site traffic unique process for linking and understanding real-time
via the HookLogic Exchange. purchase intent across devices, browsers and apps
throughout a consumer's full path to purchase. Through
Building trust is one of Criteo’s core business prin- Universal Match, Criteo Dynamic Retargeting effective-
ciples ly tailors product recommendations, ad creative and
bidding for each person, so consumers receive coher-
Criteo built its competitive advantage on the dilemma ent brand experiences with real-time relevance and
that consumers expect easy and relevant personalized context as they shift from one browsing environment to
experiences with brands, which in turn requires the use another.
of marketing data, and tackling the associated data pri-
vacy concerns by introducing its approach to consumer According to Criteo, it is designed so that no identifying
privacy. personal information ever needs to be stored and uses
only non-identifiable keys, which are hashed versions
“Building trust with consumers and between consumers of a consumers' email address or CRM id, to be able to
and a brand is a core business principle for Criteo. Eve- deliver real-time relevant ads without the ability to iden-
ry day, brands come to Criteo to drive sales for their tify any personal information of the consumer from the
businesses. When brands choose Criteo, they are trust- hashed key. That way, Criteo’s advertisers are able to
ing us to protect and treat their information with respect. deliver ads that sustain a relevant experience regard-
To that end, we must deliver relevant ads that both en- less of device or browsing environment.
hance the online experience and provide consumers
with transparency and control over the ads they re- “Since Criteo operates in global markets, including the
ceive”, the company believes. most privacy conscious European countries, Criteo ap-
Criteo’s approach is firmly rooted in respect for the con- plied very strict principles to its privacy policies besides
sumer and the belief that consumers should always be utilizing industry-standard security measures, which
able to understand the choices they make and have the include the use of firewalls and encryption”, Ms Saito
ability to control their own browsing experiences. Hence, affirms.
the Criteo ad choices icon, one of the first in the indus-
try, gives consumers direct visibility into the mechanics Besides being committed to positive and secure online
of the company’s retargeting methods. experiences, Criteo is built on maintaining consumer
trust and delivering relevance, which explains how it
“Our practice enabled a choice mechanism where the manages to take a leadership role in shaping a global
consumer could make an informed decision to delete his approach to consumer privacy. ◊
or her browsing behavior on any given website.
By Daniela La Marca

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