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Affectiva’s Emotion AI now integrated

in Qualtrics’ Insight Platform

The insight technology providers Affectiva and Qual- Clearly, the solution provides a unique offering for mar-
trics just announced the integration of Affectiva’s emo- ket research and media testing that senses and analyz-
tion recognition technology into Qualtrics’ Insight Plat- es facial expressions and emotions, joining data and
form, an emotion AI technology that is already used by emotion to provide more accurate insights into consum-
more than 1,400 Affectiva customers to gather insight er behavior.
and analytics in consumer emotional engagement that
senses and analyzes facial expressions and emotions. “Emotions drive consumer behavior and help predict
key success factors in advertising such as brand recall,
Affectiva, an MIT Media Lab spin-off, is in fact the pio- purchase intent and virility. We are delighted to inte-
neer in Emotion AI, the next frontier of artificial intelli- grate Affectiva’s patented emotion recognition technolo-
gence. The company’s patented software is built on an gy in the Qualtrics Insight Platform to give our clients
emotion AI science platform that uses computer vision, actionable data about the performance of their ads,”
deep learning and the world’s largest emotion data says Shane Evans, Qualtrics’ Head of Partnerships and
repository of more than 4 million faces analyzed from Alliances.
75 countries, amounting to more than 50 billion emo-
tion data points. Furthermore, Affectiva’s SDKs and The rapidly growing software-as-a-service company
APIs enable developers to add emotion-sensing and proves that it is absolutely focused on customer experi-
analytics to their own mobile apps, games, devices, ence management by providing solutions to capture
applications and digital experiences. customer, employee, and market insights that help mak-
ing informed, data-driven business decisions.
“We are excited to work with Qualtrics,” says Dr. Rana
el Kaliouby, co-Founder and CEO of Affectiva. “The Many global enterprises, academic institutions, and
integration of our Emotion AI into the Qualtrics Insight government agencies already use Qualtrics to collect,
Platform offers organizations unique insights into con- analyze, and act on voice of the customer, customer
sumers’ unfiltered and unbiased emotions while re- satisfaction, employee engagement, 360-degree re-
spondents provide feedback through the Qualtrics plat- views, brand, market, product concept, and employee
form.” feedback. You can start using the Qualtrics Insight Plat-
form enhanced with Affectiva’s emotion recognition soft-
ware, too.◊
By MediaBUZZ
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