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dinated command center where it all comes together.  Use innovative marketing technologies to stay
Only that way, consistency and personalization can on the road to success: Customers expect an
be ensured cross all channels. attractive and personalized shopping experience
that satisfies their demands, while shareholders
 Invest in good content and the team: The fast and CFOs rather aggregate numbers, which stand
pace of the Internet challenges everybody - and for a lasting positive ROI. Marketing managers
CMOs in particular. That campaigns can be adjusted should therefore use their extensive data base and
in real-time and played on all channels today means the possibilities of modern marketing technologies,
in the reverse conclusion that good content has to be such as automation and Big Data Analytics, to
quickly developed and implemented. To keep up with demonstrate that one calls for the other. Because
volatile customer preferences, CMOs should provide only those who know how to make use of the vari-
their team with the appropriate tools to be able to ous marketing activities across all channels, and
create relevant content nimbly and without technical can confirm this value to the corporate objective,
knowledge by themselves, rather than outsourcing makes not only the customers but also the share-
the production. Thus, they promote not only agility, holder happy.◊
but also creativity: Whoever can respond quickly to By Daniela La Marca
trends is usually also doing it more often.

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