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The main benefits of Social Media Marketing

If you still didn’t jump on the bandwagon of social media Conduct market research and spy on the competi-
marketing, Wendy Suto’s list of benefits clearly speak for tion: Listen to what your customers say about your
social media and are quite convincing to get started. products, and track what links they click on, and you'll
begin to see what your customers like and respond to.
Wendy, who is the President and CEO of Search Circus, People love to express their opinions on social media
a Website marketing firm specialized in the study of sites, which will allow you to hear the truth. Then you
search engines, user behavior and Internet buying trends can use your new-found information to tweak your
summarized the main benefits of social media that pro- product or service to please them as well as continue
vide tons of good reasons why you shouldn’t neglect it. to post more information and links that they will en-
Social Media Marketing enables companies to: joy. You should even follow your competitors on social
media to see what they have up their sleeve. Just
Establish a brand and raise awareness: Since the ma- make sure to provide a better deal than whatever they
jority of the population is already visiting social media have going on.
sites, getting your brand name all over appropriate net-
works can help let people know that you're around. If you Increase customer loyalty and trust: Social media
have yet to create a company image online, social net- networks allow your company to answer your custom-
works are the place to do it ers' questions and concerns directly in a timely man-
ner. This will improve customer satisfaction and at the
Pitch products in a more human and interactive way: same time save you money on long distance customer
Featuring a product on a social media site is one of the service phone calls. Not to mention that social media
fastest ways to bring attention to it. Since people visit sites are an awesome way to see what your target au-
social media sites to get personal rather than be bom- dience is saying about your company or your products.
barded with ads, you should discuss your business in a Take their constructive criticism and use it to enhance
fun way and engage your customers with questions. Ask your product to better meet their needs. Besides,
their opinions and entice them to respond back. This way speaking to your customers in a personal way will
you're making a valuable connection that will help grow make them feel like they are talking to a friend, not a
your number of return customers. Give a promotion company. It can win their confidence and make them to
along with it for your online community members and do business with you rather than your competition. It
watch your sales skyrocket. will also improve the chances of customer recommen-
dations. ◊
By MediaBUZZ
32 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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