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P. 28

Livestreaming brings your

campaigns to life

Livestreaming is a powerful emotionalizing medium for Not to mention that viewers can almost immediately
its users and many want to share their experiences im- intervene in live video events, for example through
mediately with friends and acquaintances via social me- comments and their own reply videos. Through linking,
dia. This automatically creates a link between the video they can share the content on social media platforms
content and other platforms, advertisers can make use of with friends, too. The direct and immediate interaction
for their next campaigns. gives them the feeling to be on the spot and to play a
part in the event.
Without doubt, livestreaming platforms such as Peri-
scope and Meerkat offer great opportunities for market- Campaign tips for real-time marketing
ing, as companies and brands can spread their content
quickly and reach their customers through small video Tip 1: Announce your campaigns early and make them
reports. In doing so, success is guaranteed when genu- attractive for your customers: a 24-hour lead-time and
ine and credible communication is in place. an appropriate image will encourage viewers to sub-
scribe to your stream.
How marketers can make use of the trend
Tip 2: Optimize your videos across all devices, wheth-
Advertisers can strengthen their customer loyalty by us- er you're on a tablet, smartphone, or desktop. Your
ing the new gadgets and by creating authenticity and users should be able to get your videos anywhere.
originality with their video content that moves their cus-
tomers. It’s a fact that many people find it easy to recog- Tip 3: Create a social media link that allows users to
nize and identify a brand after seeing a video. An ad- share their content easily, spreading it quickly across
vantage is the positive differentiation from competitors, the web.
which marketers can use for their benefit. Brands can
quickly find their own style when using moving images, By combining portable gadgets, mobile devices and
by responding directly to their target group’s feedback or cameras with trackers and streaming apps, you are
simply asking what they expect from the brand. creating new possibilities of authentic live coverage.
Targeted campaigning then brings creation together
Always convincing are creative, courageous ideas that with emotion and becomes an online campaign that
are tailored to the interests of the users. inspires people. ◊

By Daniela La Marca
28 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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