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Such online monitoring should cover the following as- Once properly established, the company policies can
pects: a mood analysis, the search for pages that sell serve to approach infringements quite clearly and al-
counterfeits of own products or malware, policy violations lows to generate at the same time synergies.
of employees and partners, links to non-indexed websites
in the Deep Web, and fake accounts on behalf of the Unfortunately, due to the rapid developments in the
brand or the employee. online sector, it is no longer enough to just observe the
most important websites, marketplaces and social me-
When companies cooperate with other service providers dia platforms. Companies must actually take into ac-
and companies, there can be certainly many benefits, but count all the channels that appear in the worldwide web
naturally each party has its own interests. Therefore, it is and look for brand abuse, including apps, the Deep
advisable that companies enforce rules and guidelines for Web and Darknet, as well as domain management. ◊
their partners to increase brand protection.
By Daniela La Marca

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