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With Influencer Marketing to success -

what really matters

Influencer Marketing describes a marketing approach focus is moving more and more digitally, social media
where a person's awareness is used to pay more atten- influencers oust the classical celebrities as communica-
tion to a product or brand. It is settled somewhere be- tion medium. Although, Influencer Marketing is nothing
tween the recommendation of a friend and classic adver- really new, the novelty is that even people without a
tising. It’s a clever strategy, because in times of ad block- celebrity status can have a huge following on the social
ers and advertising blindness, more and more potential platforms.
customers trust the opinion of friends, other buyers and
influencers. That’s just one reason why the majority of Who is really watching TV advertising today? I honest-
marketers plan to invest in at least one Influencer mar- ly, can’t remember when was the last time I was pur-
keting campaign in 2017, another one is the fact that posely watching one. Once the first advertising block
almost all of those who have used this tactic already con- starts, the average user switches to the smartphone
sidered it as an effective strategy (see SKII). and looks at what's new on Facebook or Instagram,
isn’t it? Therefore, be where the attention of your cus-
But what is so special about Influencer Marketing? Why tomers is.
does it matter and how do you not only make your own
shop known, but also increase your turnover? Especially when the own group of social network fol-
lowers is still relatively small, it makes sense to work
For a long time, large companies have been focusing on with influencers and to use their reach in order to be-
the reach and popularity of prominent persons to present come more well-known. In almost every industry -
a product or to strengthen their own brand. Today, how- whether fashion, fitness, hospitality or technology - you
ever, the small and big celebrities on Instagram, Face- can find influencers whose reach you can use for your
book, YouTube and Co. are more in the limelight and shop. You do not have to spend millions of your mar-
pleased about the new attention. While the marketing keting budget on stars, but can choose from a pool of
influencers that fit to your brand.
30 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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