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P. 36

Protect your brand by monitoring

social media

Social media is a kind of love-hate relationship since it Here is why it makes sense to set up dedicated poli-
can like you, share with you, and engage you in conver- cies, both internal and external, to protect your content
sations, especially when content is created from a user- and reputation: Internally, it is mainly about the con-
centric point of view, but also knock you for six, if you are tent, the registration of domains and social media ac-
not foresighted and careful. counts, as well as a code of conduct for social media
channels. Externally, the use of the brand by partners,
You have to consider abuse and know how, when, in dealers, distributors and other third parties, is the fo-
what format, and on what platform the content is ex- cus. Guidelines must be defined for all brand protection
pected to be consumed to get the desired reactions and applications.
positive feedback. So, find the right platform to talk to
your target group and make your message stick. Best is Social networks can kick-start a wide range of new
to develop compelling content that is easily digestible opportunities for customer engagement. They enable
and shareable. Ideally it is visual and formatted for small direct communication with the consumer and provide
screens and please don’t forget making sure you have valuable information for targeted marketing, allowing
your social media guidelines in place. new customer segments and sales channels to be un-
The online world is evolving rapidly and new social me-
dia channels and apps are constantly added. You simply The other side of the coin is, however, that companies
can’t handle everything on your own, so let all involved in must register on all these platforms. Not to mention
your social media activities know your management pro- that regardless of their reach, companies must proac-
cess and goals. tively monitor the various platforms in all relevant lan-
guages for brand misuse, negative customer feedback
and the like.
36 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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