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P. 34

Using social media platforms

for efficient growth

In social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter or • Facebook Lookalike Audiences: This feature helps
Instagram, it is no longer just about posting pictures and to expand the target audience by using the charac-
photos from the last party. Companies have been using teristics of the current customers, site visitors or
these channels for a long time to communicate with their page fans, as a basis.
customers and promote their brand.
• Buy button: Users can now go directly to the Face-
book page and purchase things there without visit-
However, the benefits of social media for companies are
not limited to branding, as there are different ways how ing a website.
to use social media platforms to grow your business • Facebook Social Plugins enable customers to
more efficiently. share website content with their Facebook friends.
• Facebook Insights: It provides comprehensive
analysis on the business pages. The basic statis-
tics, like the number of Likes and Page Views, are
just the beginning.
Facebook ads can be used to address specific groups
that might be interested in your content, based on their • Pages to Watch: Companies can, for example,
location, demographics, interests or behavior. Compa- keep an eye on the activities, the growth, and the
nies can identify different ads for different targets, e.g. to commitment of the competition.
increase online sales, generate leads, promote mobile • Facebook Live: An event or even a normal day at
apps, or increase brand awareness. the office can be shared via Facebook Live as a
video on Facebook.

• Facebook Custom Audiences: When companies • Facebook 360: Companies can share their suc-
have data from their website, they can target ads on cess and experiences with their fans even in the
Facebook based on that data. Simply upload a con- form of 360-degree photos or videos.
tact list safely and get started!
34 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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