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Twitter Currently, buying directly through the Instagram feed is
getting tested by some US brands and will be most like-

Twitter's ad platform provides companies with effective ly be available soon to companies worldwide. The fea-
ways to promote content based on the target - be that ture allows users to buy directly from the app, without
more site visitors or followers, conversions and sales, having to leave it, and will replace "Link in Bio".
commitment or app downloads.
In addition, a number of helpful functions can be used
via a business profile. Like e.g. adding the contact in-
• Buy Button: Sales can be increased by allowing cus- formation so that customers can reach the company
tomers to buy the products via Twitter in just a few directly through a button in the profile, learning more
clicks with the "Buy" call-to-action. about the behavior of the followers, seeing how the
• Twitter Plugins include a set of widgets that transfer posts arrive, or creating promotions on Instagram that
Twitter content to the site and display buttons that help grow the business.
encourage followers to share the content and attract
new followers. It’s possible to choose from several After upgrading to a business account and the first
options, such as single tweet, embedded timelines, post, companies can observe details about impressions
tweet- or follow button. and the reach for all subsequent posts. In addition, they
• 'Live' button: Increase commitment by streaming the can see the number of site clicks from the profile and
everyday life of the company. It can all be started, for how the followers behave on Instagram. By embedding
instance, by clicking on the Periscope button on Twit- the Instagram posts on the website (Instagram Plugin),
ter, which can be found in the Android and iOS apps. the content becomes accessible to a wider audience.
Furthermore, to keep up with the streaming possibilities
on Twitter and Facebook, Instagram started Stories,
enabling companies to show special offers or important
milestones. ◊
Brands can be promoted through the "Sponsored" feature
on Instagram to enhance awareness, traffic, or mobile By MediaBUZZ
app downloads, and companies can choose between the
photo, video and Carousel-Ad formats.

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