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Find out in which social networks your target groups are The prerequisite is, of course, that your followers think
active and then observe which topics they are interested your content is simply too good to be kept for them-
in, what they are currently liking, sharing and commenting selves. After all, emails can be viral, too. Add the ap-
on. On Twitter, for example, the content under the propriate share buttons to each newsletter post, so that
"trending topics" provides information about current dis- a newsletter subscriber can share your content easily
cussions of your target group or industry. Alternatively, with their contacts, or can follow your company on Fa-
you can also ask your current followers. In any case, it is cebook, Twitter, or others.
important to listen attentively to your prospective custom-
ers, fans or potential customers. This is the only way to Harmonize social media with email marketing
fill your newsletter with content that really affects them
and is perceived as relevant. Before you start your preparations, decide which social
media form you want to use, in addition to email or
Learn and adopt from social media’s success newsletter marketing, and what you want to achieve
with it. Keep in mind that the content does not have to
What works in social media can also be successful out- be necessarily the same, but a good strategy is useful
side these networks. Get inspired, for instance, by eye- for all activities to contribute to your overarching com-
catching images, entertaining videos and concise texts, munication goal, both via social media and email mar-
that do not only work in the social web. When it comes to keting. In general, you should place each of your mes-
arouse interest and prepare information tantalizing, there sages for your target group in a suitable form at the
are many examples that can serve as a stimulus. Just relevant touchpoints.
test new topics or offers on social media platforms, for
example through target group-specific Facebook ads, to While emails and newsletters can convey a greater
find out what exactly particular customers are most likely amount and depth of information, social media manag-
to be drawn to. es to spread content faster and broader. Since both
channels refer to each other and encourage interac-
In addition, your newsletter should be optimally displayed tions, you can not only generate more subscribers and
on mobile devices, as readers of social media websites fans or followers, but you can also significantly increase
are accustomed to it. Also, use hashtags in your email the reach of your messages. Through the intelligent
texts and remind your reader to tweet the contribution. linking of email marketing and social media activities,
Furthermore, you can use hashtags to determine the key- supported by an integrating software solution, B2B
words you want to get found in the respective network. companies are stimulating new customer acquisition
Instead of spreading your content in the various social and strengthening customer loyalty. ◊
media channels, let your subscribers do it.
By Daniela La Marca

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