Page 25 - index
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• Fan interviews can help you build a better rapport • Organize a raffle, quiz or competition, because
to your community. You can have, for example, eve- nothing promotes the involvement of your commu-
ry month an interview to present and better know nity more than the prospect of winning something.
one of your followers. It is simply in the nature of man to compete.
• Asking for help is never frowned upon, and defi- • Surveys of all kinds can be social media game-
nitely not on social media, so simply ask your com- changer, but only if a survey manages to animate
munity when you need anything. You will be sur- the user to participate. It shouldn’t be time-
prised how helpful followers can be. consuming and easy to answer.
• Recommend other users and groups. People • Everybody is interested in forecasts and trends,
follow you on social networks because you are an but instead of just delivering predictions, ask your
expert in a specific field, hence, you know for sure community about their opinion, too.
good groups on Google+, Facebook or Twitter, too. • Quotations are often effective in social networks
Share this information with your fans. They will not and three types perform particularly well: Funny,
run away, but be grateful to you motivational, and inspirational quotes. That’s the
• Tutorials and how-to guides are among the most reason why many portals not only include such
shared content. So, make use of this fact and think quotes, but highlight them, so that they can be
about creating appropriate content. shared with just one click.
• Tool tests with personal experiences are always • Re-post old articles if they provide added value. It
welcome and happily shared. Make sure to use your is unlikely that the majority of your followers already
know-how not only to describe and promote your knows them all. You could, for example, summarize
own products but give a matter-of-fact analysis. at the end of the week the hottest topics or best
• Infographics are known for being loved by social articles and give a preview of the next week.
media, which is why there are many of them Through such a recurring element, you can attract
around. If you want to make your community happy, new fans. ◊
keep an eye on their quality. By Daniela La Marca
• Set up a ticker, if you are at an event. When people
realize that they can get the latest and fastest infor-
mation from you, they presume you are an expert
and quickly share the news.

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