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P. 26

Email marketing and social media

achieve more when used in combination

Social media networks are an indispensable part of com- The following tips show how synergies of social media
munication and question a bit the usefulness of emails. and email marketing can be created and used for B2B
Social media postings take place in real-time, are easy to marketing, and how you can push the new customer
create and animate to interact, therefore have a clear business and strengthen your own brand:
advantage regarding branding. Usually, people who see
that friends like a contribution, company or product news, Promote your social media accounts in the
most likely develop a positive opinion for them, too. newsletter

In email marketing, on the other hand, the recipients do Make regular announcements in your newsletter that
not have a direct view on which newsletter, friend, col- you can be found on social networks. This does not
leagues or other networked friends subscribed to and always have to be done in text form: simply place the
what content they read. However, emails are more tar- icon of the platform on which you are registered well
geted and individual in addressing an audience. In addi- visibly in your newsletter and invite your readers to
tion, they usually remain in the inbox for a longer time "like" your company on Facebook or to follow you on
and are not immediately replaced by the next post or Twitter or LinkedIn. Ideally, you give your followers and
suggested contribution. fans at that point already an idea of the added value
they get from you on social media, such as the an-
The diversity of the two communication channels should nouncement of events or exclusive discount deals, and
be therefore combined for receiving the best results, as of course extracts of the current newsletter to get more
only then their respective potential can be fully exploited. subscribers.
Anyone who does not understand social media as a
competition, but as an addition to email and newsletter Ask your audience what to write about in the
marketing, can benefit from both channels. next newsletter

26 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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