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Pressure is on to keep up with

personalization vs privacy

Social networks and search engines are increasingly Despite this, more than 83% of respondents are willing
customizing our advertisements, contact networks and to share at least some form of personal information with
search results, making each user’s experience unique. brands: For instance, APAC consumers are most com-
But at least since Edward Snowden’s revelations, con- fortable with sharing the email addresses (58%), shop-
sumers started to be concerned about data collection ping history and preferences (49%), and mobile num-
and want to know why third parties are gathering infor- bers (36%) with brands. While such information allows
mation and for what reasons. Interestingly, many still brands to create personalized customer experience,
seem to be willing to trade their data and privacy for usage of consumer data must be approached with ex-
convenience and a more personalized experience, as tra caution: 67% of APAC consumers expect brands to
recent studies show. protect their interest when using their personal data,
followed by transparency in data usage (52%) and en-
Hybris, the company SAP acquired last year to present suring customer privacy in the event of criminal investi-
their solutions for customer engagement and com- gations (47%).
merce, just released the results of its “Consumer In-
sight” survey that found out that almost 4 in 5 (78%) of Furthermore, in today’s digital age, APAC consumers
consumers in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region won’t expect a lot more from of brands: In fact, around 80%
choose to purchase from a brand again if their data had of respondents in APAC indicated that they want
been used without knowledge. brands to respond within 24 hours and 1 in 2 (56%)
even expects a response within 3 hours.

22 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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