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P. 24

Get the ball rolling for your

social media success

To score with content on social networks, proper prepa- • Answer questions publicly. Perhaps someone
ration is everything! Therefore, you might want to consid- asks you on the phone or by email a good question
er the following tips how to get the ball rolling with good that is of interest to more users. Post the question
social media content ideas: and the answer.

• The personal story is a way to get in closer con-
• Comment on a controversial post on your page or tact with your community, which doesn’t like unap-
create it yourself. Nothing provokes the social media proachable shadowy characters - but real people.
community more than an opinion they do not agree Share an anecdote or personal thought to score
with. However, make sure not to risk getting atten- with your followers.
tion in the form of a shit-storm. For instance, starting • Various expert opinions give your followers a feel-
with writing a provocative response to a currently
polarizing mindset might be a good idea, as in this ing of being well-informed, therefore, invite profes-
case getting attention is guaranteed. sionals to write your content.
• Posts from customers are popular because they
• Using criticism for your own benefit is a great art
in social networks. You should draw under no cir- contain opinions and impressions that are more
credible than the one of the product manufacturer.
cumstances the curtain over criticism. The opposite
is often helpful: Center the critical contribution and Make use of the fact and persuade fans to create
your confident manner to impress your followers. posts for you.
Still, don’t put up with everything: If the criticism is • Tap your community for new product ideas. That
impertinent, you need to intervene. The right mix of way you do not only involve your loyal fans, but
humor and expedience makes for success. You also benefit from collective intelligence. Don’t forget
could even collect the most outrageous feedback to thank your fans for their loyalty and commitment.
and publish a compendium.
24 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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