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What’s the difference to other advertising opportu-

The difference can be vast. If we take, for instance, the
popular Google Product Listing Ads, we are dealing in-
deed as well with user-specific product ads here, but
they are not played by retargeting, rather the user is
actively searching for a term that is related to the prod-
uct. Facebook Dynamic Product Ads automatically pro-
mote relevant products from your entire catalog across
any device. You can choose to show a single product or multi-
ple products at once using the carousel ad format.
Here is the short step-by-step guide how to get started Dynamic Product Ads work on Facebook News-
with Dynamic Product Ads: feed and the Right Hand Column. With one dynam-
ic ads template you can deliver ads on any device -
mobile, tablets, and desktop.
 Create a product catalog and upload the list of
products you would like to advertise on Facebook
using a Facebook Business Manager account.  Run Dynamic Product Ads, specially formatted for
your shoppers according to the products they
browse with keywords, images, and more pulled
 Place the Custom Audience pixel on your website
(or app events if you have an app) and modify it to directly from your product catalog. Dynamic Prod-
report when product IDs from your catalog are be- uct Ads keep up to date with your business so you
ing viewed, added to cart, and purchased. only show products that are in stock and at the lat-
est price. And when a purchase is made on your
site, product ads are automatically turned off,
 Create a dynamic products ad template that is auto-
matically filled with the right products in Power Edi- across devices, so you'll never bother your shop-
tor or with the help of a Facebook Marketing Part- pers with products they've already purchased.◊
ner. Give your ads a title and use keywords to pull
in images, product names, prices, and more dy- By Daniela La Marca
namically from your product catalog.

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