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Facebook's Dynamic Display Ads improve

and simplify retargeting enormously

If you want to see what’s behind the new social media The procedure is a classic retargeting approach: Visi-
marketing opportunity, want to know Facebook’s Dy- tors to a website will be marked and the products that
namic Display Ads differ from other formats, or you just they viewed as well, so that when they visit Facebook,
want to find out how to use them, continue reading. they can be addressed directly with dynamic ads. The
difference from the previous Facebook retargeting op-
Launched mid of last year, there are meanwhile count- tion, called Exchange, is that now individual products,
less different display ad formats available on countless not just individual pages, can be advertised. In addition,
platforms, and the frequency with which Facebook’s the new Dynamic Display Ads are device-independent,
competitors like Google and Twitter are presenting therefore making Facebook Exchange more or less ob-
innovations in this area apparently seems to increase, solete. Another advantage of the Dynamic Display Ads
too. are the audience features that allow you to specify ex-
actly which target groups should get your ads.
But let’s get granular on Facebook’s Dynamic Display
Ads now, which greatly improve the retargeting of the How to integrate the new Facebook Ads?
social media giant. In the following, we put the formats
to a brief check. What you need to implement is an appropriate data
feed that links your ads to the corresponding product. In
What exactly are Facebook Dynamic Display Ads? principle, it is even possible to use the feed that you
might use for other retargeting offers, but it is highly
Dynamic Product Ads is a solution to help you promote recommended to check that before going live. Of
your entire product catalog on Facebook. Dynamic course, an update (e.g. of new products or when a
Product Ads works best for eCommerce and retailers product is sold out) should possibly be automated and
with high web traffic and large inventory looking to re- performed in real-time. And whoever uses the popular
engage their shoppers and drive conversions online. Facebook Power Editor must have of course a Face-
book business account.
40 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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