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“With global programmatic ad spend expected to reach
$53 billion by 2018, Adobe is the first company to inte-
grate disparate technologies and deliver programmatic
capabilities in a unified platform”, he concluded.

In a world of massive fragmentation and complexity,
advertisers and agencies strive indeed for simple solu-
tions to provide an optimal customer experience. There-
fore, key features of the new standard setting Adobe
platform include:

 Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO): With
DCO, advertisers have a powerful tool to seamless-
ly build, personalize and deliver creative assets in
real time to drive higher user engagement and con-
version rates across devices, allowing customers to offline worlds, optimizing spend and inserting dy-
scale and optimize ad creative through Adobe Me- namic creative in milliseconds. Advertisers need
dia Optimizer in a unique way. To drive user en- solutions that are inherently integrated so that us-
gagement, conversions and integrated experiences, ing one drives even greater value in another. Ado-
advertisers can now use Adobe Media Optimizer to be Media Optimizer’s efficient and seamless cam-
reach granular audience segments with flexible ad paign management workflows, with self-serve and
creation that is personalized in real-time and based managed services options, can be customized to
on a consumer’s past behavior. Besides that, ad- meet a brand or agency’s needs.
vertisers are able to extend targeted content con-
sistently across key marketing channels  360-degree view of the customer: Audience data
is critical to campaign execution. Adobe Media Op-
 Transparency and control: It’s crucial to deliver timizer can combine data sources with Adobe Au-
real-time, data-driven campaigns that provide ad- dience Manager to create and segment relevant
vertisers and agencies more control across chan- audiences that can be deployed across Adobe
nels than ever before. Adobe Media Optimizer is a Marketing Cloud. Also, by combining rich online
trusted source providing transparency into media and offline profile data, Adobe Audience Manager
costs and ad performance at the domain level. New and Adobe Campaign allow marketers to develop a
integration with Integral Ad Science enables smart- holistic view of the customer.
er ad delivery around viewability, antifraud, and
brand safety. Adobe Analytics enables customers to create a holistic
view of their business by turning customer interactions
 Scale and performance optimizations: Advertis- into actionable insights through advanced analysis ca-
ers can drive conversions by reaching high-value pabilities as well as intuitive and interactive dash-
audiences across the web at scale through Adobe boards, besides offering reports that users can share
Media Optimizer’s integration with top ad exchang- in real-time.
es and inventory sources, such as Google AdX or
Facebook Exchange. The enhanced algorithmic Thousands of brands worldwide rely on Adobe’s digital
engine allows brands and agencies to manage the marketing solutions and according to Adobe, its Mar-
real-time bidding process directly across ad ex- keting Cloud supports 41 trillion transactions, 4.1 tril-
changes with over one million queries per second lion rich media requests and more than 60 billion
and automated spending recommendations. emails per year.◊
By MediaBUZZ
 Easy to use workflows and flexible service op-
tions: It is all about speed, accuracy and personali-
zation with campaigns – bridging the online and

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