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IntelliSense2.0 optimizes Digital Out-of-

Home (DOOH) advertising fully automated

Cenique Infotainment Group Limited, one of the most Mr Shylesh Karuvath added, "We're launching Intel-
innovative incubated company at Hong Kong Science liSense2.0 at the perfect time and in the perfect region.
Park, has officially launched IntelliSense2.0. This high- Hong Kong has always been a shopping paradise with
ly effective, real-time, Android-based audience meas- an almost unlimited number of retailers from local to
urement solution delivers fully automated, shopper international brands, which means the city has great
insight and analytics at a fraction of the cost of legacy business opportunity for Cenique. More importantly,
solutions, for Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising, Hong Kong is a springboard into the Mainland China
which was close to a US$2 billion industry in 2013. market, which continues to grow with huge potential.
With DOOH usage rising at an unprecedented rate
"Cenique's flagship software IntelliSense2.0 is the next around the world. We're confident that IntelliSense2.0
generation of advanced DOOH technology that ena- will add tremendous value in the Asia-Pacific region and
bles retailers to harness invaluable customer data, will prove to be popular in the Mainland China and
identify new markets, formulate data-driven marketing Hong Kong markets, and has the potential to bring
strategies, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals about a golden age for the DOOH industry."
in order to drive business and profits," said Mr Shylesh Cenique's intelligence equals enhanced ROI, em-
Karuvath, Co-Founder and CEO, Cenique Infotainment powering retailers
Group Limited.
IntelliSense2.0 gathers real-time shopper data by using
IntelliSense2.0 at a glance
small, compact embedded computing devices powered
Cenique's Anonymous Video Analytics (AVA), Intel- by ARM (Advanced RISC Machines)- based proces-
liSense2.0, addresses one of the biggest challenges sors, in conjunction with the IntelliSense software and
that DOOH advertisers face with current solutions-- the IntelliSense Cloud.
quantifying and optimizing ROI. It provides marketers
with actionable intelligence by anonymously counting Retailers can first identify their target audience(s) by
the number of times customers engage with a market- analyzing IntelliSense metric reports to see how many
ing display and by collecting viewer data, which will customers are in the store, busiest store times and
then be organized into nine key metrics, including: im- products of most interest. IntelliSense2.0 also enables
pressions; opportunity to view; dwell time; gender and users to understand their target audiences through easy
age group; time of day/day of week; location perfor- -to-comprehend real-time data graphs, so they can
mance; and effectiveness index. This data is present- measure how many shoppers engage with digital dis-
ed in an interactive dashboard that can then be ana- plays by in-store location, as well as content displayed
lyzed and used to create more targeted marketing and time of day and week. By establishing a perfor-
strategies that generate business. mance baseline for the digital signage, the impact of
subsequent content changes can be quantitatively
APAC provides the ideal launch environment and measured and best practices can be established.
Case study: Changing the world of fashion
According to a report by PQ Media, a market research,
publishing and advisory firm, DOOH is expected to Cenique's technology is already being used by high-
grow by double-digit percentages until 2018, with the fashion brand Marie France Van Damme (MFVD) to
global market achieving US$15.92 billion in revenue. gathers customer data discreetly for marketing strategy
The Asia-Pacific region, which was the largest of the and campaign support.
four global regions in 2013, saw aggregate revenues MFVD applied Cenique's DOOH solution to three retail
of US$3.83 billion. Mainland China alone, which is the locations in London, Hong Kong and Thailand. Now the
second largest DOOH market after the U.S., saw fashion brand can centrally manage content
US$1.87 billion in revenue in 2013.
22 Asian eMarketing June 2015 - Marketing Automation
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