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Tableau helps NGOs to accelerate change

by analyzing data effectively

Tableau Software announced that it is offering free li- more support can turn to the Tableau Service Corps.
censes of its powerful visual analytics software available Regardless of organization size, a non-profit can re-
to small non-profits, NGOs, and charitable community- quest help on a data-focused project from one of the
based organizations through the Tableau Foundation. many volunteers listed on the Tableau Service Corps
The company has also created the Tableau Service
Corps, a volunteer network of Tableau employees who website.
are eager to help non-profits to see and understand their
data. While separate initiatives, the two programs are
launched simultaneously so that any non-profit can use
“We started the Tableau Foundation with a mission to Tableau software and have access to experts who can
encourage the use of facts and analytical reasoning to help make the most of it. With the special offer, Tableau
solve the world’s problems,” said Neal Myrick, Director, aims to fulfill the commitment it made to the Global Part-
Social Impact at Tableau. “By removing the barriers to nership for Sustainable Development Data in October
entry, small non-profits can better manage programs, tell 2015. At the launch event, Tableau pledged to make its
impactful stories, or increase the effectiveness of fund- business intelligence software available to small organi-
raising efforts through data.” zations in all non-embargoed countries to promote in-
clusiveness and data driven development in pursuit of
Considering that there are globally around 10 million non the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
-profits and NGOs at work, and the fact that just a few of
them are harnessing the vast volumes of data that exist To qualify for the software donation, organizations must
in and around their work, Tableau’s venture is ingenious. be recognized as a charitable institution in their home
Change-makers around the globe get a chance to learn country and have an annual operating budget under
that data is a powerful ally in their effort to create a better USD $5 million. Organizations of any size can request
world. They will realize that data can have enormous volunteers through the Tableau Service Corps.
value to their organizations, enabling them to increase
transparency and accountability, expand their relation- To learn more about the Tableau for non-profits pro-
ships with funders, discover new trends in their pro- gram and to obtain free Tableau software, please visit
grams, and tell more powerful stories about their commu- To book a Tab-
nities. leau Service Corps volunteer visit, https://
Tableau Desktop, for instance, is a drag-and-drop soft-
ware that helps people to analyze and answer questions The program is administered through TechSoup, a non-
with data in real-time. Results can be shared with other profit that offers free resources to non-profits and librar-
Tableau Desktop users through the free Tableau Read- ies and charges an administration fee to facilitate the
er, or posted online with Tableau Public. Whoever wants product donation.◊

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