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Latest Social Media Keyboard

Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Jamie Spencer impressed us already last year with his Jamie’s latest cheat sheet considers that each network
Social Media Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet, that in- has its own social media shortcuts as presented in se-
cludes specific commands that would otherwise be ac- quence below:
cessible through a menu via a click of a mouse button. For all those working in the social media industry Ja-
mie’s shortcuts are for sure helpful, allowing to bypass
Since it is useful to save you loads of time every day by the need for mouse clicks and movements and getting
speeding up your social network browsing with some you to the functions needed in the fastest possible
lightning fast keyboard shortcuts, we’ll present you Ja- way. ◊
mie’s new infographic.

38 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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