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More people are willing to share

personal data in return for rewards

According to a recent GfK study, over a quarter (27%) The five countries with the highest levels of people firm-
of internet users strongly agreed that they are willing to ly against sharing their data are Germany (40%),
share their personal data in exchange for benefits or France (37%), Brazil (34%), Canada (31%) and the
rewards, while in contrast 19% were firmly unwilling to Netherlands (30%).
share their data. Equal percentages of both men and women are firmly
willing to share their data in return for benefits - both
GfK asked people online to indicate how strongly they standing at 27%. However, more women than men
agree or disagree with the statement, "I am willing to class themselves as firmly unwilling, standing at 21% of
share my personal data (health, financial, driving rec- women versus 18% of men.
ords, energy use, etc.) in exchange for benefits or re-
wards like lower costs or personalized service" - using a People aged in their twenties and thirties are most like-
scale where "1" means "don't agree at all" and "7" ly to share their data, with a third saying they are firmly
means "agree completely." willing to do so (33% and 34% respectively). They are
followed by those aged 15 to 19 years old, at 28%.
People in China are most ready to share their personal
data in exchange for benefits, with 38% of the online By using GfK's findings, businesses might save time
population saying they are firmly willing to do so and and resources through recognizing in advance which
only 8% firmly unwilling. Other countries with higher target audiences in each country are likely to respond
than average levels of willingness are Mexico (30%), to standard data-sharing offers, and which audiences
Russia (29%) and Italy (28%). require bespoke offers designed to align with their spe-
cific mindsets.

20 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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