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Google Analytics 360 turns

insights into action

In today’s world, all marketers are trying to reach the tunities to reach them in the right moment with the right
right customer, at the right time, with the right mes- message. Your life gets easy now with Google Analytics
sage, on the right device, at the best possible moment. 360, since it provides you with a complete view of the
Marketers are constantly challenged, since customers consumer journey by making sense of you data.
use multiple devices and follow many paths to pur-
chase. With the newly launched Google Analytics 360, “Sophisticated marketers who use analytics platforms
marketers can now turn all kind of data easily into in- are three times more likely to outperform their peers in
sight and using it to drive results. achieving revenue goals”, Google states.

Previously known as Google Analytics Premium, If you’re using Google and DoubleClick advertising
Google stressed on making Analytics 360 as the products, seamless, out-of-the-box integrations mean
measurement centerpiece collecting customer data you can pull in data from your site, app, internet-
from multiple touch-points and a continued native inte- connected devices, and even offline sources, to create
gration with DoubleClick & Google AdWords. a single, complete data source across all customer
touchpoints. With all the data in one place, you can im-
According to Sanchit Mendiratta, Partner at Happy mediately get a clear view of your customer. Easy to
Marketer, who in the first place pointed out to us the use yet powerful reporting and analysis capabilities help
news, Google is making this change for a couple of you understand customer behavior across de-
reasons. On his blog he states that sharing of Intelli- mographics, devices, channels, and much more.◊
gence is probably the main reason. “The Google ad
business has always been like a walled garden. While By MediaBUZZ
the data and cookie sharing was enabled across the
ad and analytics products, it was never open for 3rd
party data sources and ad exchanges. With Dou-
bleClick driving a high percentage of ad impressions
on the internet and multiple new thriving ad exchang-
es, it is really important to have a coherent view of the
audience which is cross-device and cross-channel”, he
believes. “With the native integration across the vari-
ous products, all the intelligence is suddenly now ac- Youtube link—
tionable – based on better performance of an offer in v=PeBf__0CEcg
an A/B test or a TV advertisement, we can automati-
cally change bids, stop ads, launch new tags and initi-
ate remarketing for non-converted users across multi-
ple ad-exchanges – all in real-time”, he added.

Since you are in marketing and analytics, you know
that insights into consumer behavior brings new oppor-

42 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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