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AppNexus Video SSP rivals

Google and Facebook

AppNexus announced the launch of the AppNexus The AppNexus Video SSP is designed to be flexible
Video SSP, which complements the company’s exist- across video formats, scalable to connect the world’s
ing video buying offering to form an integrated platform largest programmatic video buyers and sellers, and effi-
for publishers and advertisers. The announcement of cient for easy adoption and latency reduction. Formats
the SSP fulfills a market need in light of the recent de- supported include instream (pre-, mid-, and post-roll)
cline in open, exchange-driven video supply and and outstream video for desktop and mobile web. Mo-
comes on the heels of AppNexus’ recent launches of bile apps can be monetized on iOS and Android via an
its outstream video market and anti-latency technolo- open source SDK with VAST interstitial video.
Programmatic transaction models include video RTB,
The technology company provides trading solutions mediation, managed campaigns, and deals. Creative
and powers marketplaces for Internet advertising with video hosting provides transcoding into multiple rendi-
its open, unified, and powerful programmatic platform tions for bandwidth adapted delivery with VAST tracking
that empowers customers to more effectively buy and across a diversity of formats and devices. The SSP us-
sell media and allows them to innovate, differentiate, es the ptv tag for instream and the AppNexus Seller
and transform their businesses. Tag which enables integrated monetization of display,
native, mobile, and outstream video ads.
“As Google brings YouTube inventory behind its walled
garden and LiveRail sunsets its video ad server, ad- “With AppNexus, we were able to quickly ramp up the
vertisers and publishers need a scaled, independent video monetization of our premium instream inventory
technology leader in video,” said Eric Hoffert, SVP of and grow our audience,” said Jochen Witte, COO,
Video Technology, AppNexus. “AppNexus is building Stailamedia. “We specialize in multi-screen video reach,
the industry’s most powerful open video platform to and so the control and efficiency provided by program-
offer superior reach, audience building, and pricing matic instream, creative video hosting, and anti-latency
across a wide variety of video supply pools.” solutions are important to us in a technology partner.”

46 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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