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Data science not only simplifies digital

marketing processes, it powers the best,

personalized experiences for consumers

Every time an individual makes a choice online or in an The new capabilities complement existing data science
app, it’s a new data point. This data is a goldmine for features across all three Adobe Clouds:
marketers and advertisers. That's where data science 1. Data science in Creative Cloud helps make de-
comes in.
signers become even better at their craft. Adobe
Photoshop CC, for example, includes capabilities
Algorithms built into apps and websites can assess an like Facial Recognition, Content-Aware technolo-
individual's choices and tailor a customized experience gies, and Camera Shake Reduction.
- and they can spot unexpected patterns in the activity
of large numbers of people, surfacing them for data
scientists to further analyze and for marketers to apply 2. Adobe Document Cloud uses algorithms based
in their work. on various image processing techniques for
things like PDF boundary detection and perspec-
Adobe just unveiled a series of new data science ca- tive correction when users scan to PDF and turn
pabilities that further combine the creative aspect of scans into editable documents.
human intelligence with the analytical power of data 3. And across Adobe Marketing Cloud, the new ca-
science. The new algorithms in Adobe Marketing pabilities join over 40 existing data science func-
Cloud will further simplify the process of extracting in- tionalities - such as Contribution Analysis, Anom-
sights from billions of data points. Over 41 trillion trans- aly Detection and Shoppable Video.
actions per year, including 4.1 trillion rich media re-
quests, allow Adobe to bring data science to life. “Data science in digital marketing is still young,” said
Anil Kamath, Adobe Fellow, Data Science. “Our algo-
Marketers can use these insights to make better busi- rithms are about amplifying the great work of marketers
ness decisions, focus on creating standout content and and delivering amazing consumer experiences through
benefit from recommendations and predictions they personalization, targeting and segmentation.”
didn’t even know existed.

44 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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