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Why ‘Real-time Marketing Automation’?

To implement what’s needed for modern dialogue mar- focus radically on customer orientation. Besides that,
keting, real-time marketing automation technology is they should keep in mind that the variety of options of-
essential that automatically controls the lifecycle com- ten not only disburden customers, the depth of infor-
munication on the basis of real-time data on behavior - mation and choice can also overwhelm and complicate
context-sensitive, data protection compliant, and in all the decision-making. Companies have to take this pony
relevant dialogue channels. into account as well and make the life of the customers
easier through individualized communication that is
Such real-time marketing automation is actually even adapted to their wishes, needs and interactions.
the more indispensable, since the demands of custom-
ers for digital communications are heavily rising. Suc- Even the complexity of the customer journey increases.
cessful dialogue marketing today has to provide every The times when you could guide customers through
single customer with the appropriate content, in accord- predetermined touchpoints purposefully - from A to B -
ance with his/her expectations and position in the cus- are over. Customers today use a growing number of
tomer lifecycle, to unfold maximum effect for loyalty and touchpoints, not only the company's own, across multi-
purchasing behavior. ple devices in a variety of contexts. Websites, newslet-
ters, communities, blogs, transactional emails, apps,
Increasing complexity and demanding customers mobile messenger, SMS, Twitter, Facebook, POS ter-
minals, geolocation services, service hotlines are just a
Digitalization has made the world of business clearly few. They don’t differentiate between these touch-
more complex and dynamic. For the customer, digitiza- points, but expect the company to be "accessible" eve-
tion means maximum transparency and availability on rywhere and consistently, but most of all demand that
the market for him to be satisfied. The switching barri- the desired information and (digital) services are imme-
ers between different providers are generally low and diately and conveniently available in the right quality.
the competitive pressure is increasing. Classical differ-
entiation characteristics, such as price, become less The requirements companies have to meet in the digital
important when the cheaper provider is just one mouse- dialogue in order to meet the expectations of customers
click or a line on a comparison site away. are summarized as follows:

Customers are becoming increasingly more self-  They have to offer the right content in the requested
determined and have higher demands. Therefore, com- quality,
panies have to orient themselves on best practice and
16 Asian eMarketing - March 2016 Marketing Automation: Retargeting, Programmatic & Real-time Marketing
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