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 Individualized for every single user, Real-time marketing automation is not only a "must",
but due to multiple benefits, advisable.
 Respond in real-time,
Here are some figures which demonstrate the ad-
 At the same time consider and evaluate any user in- vantages of (real-time) marketing automation:
teraction, and incorporate the results immediately
again in the communication,  Companies that make use of marketing automation,
achieve a 53% higher conversion rate and increase
 Besides considering all relevant touchpoints, their annual sales growth by 3.1%, compared to
 Consistently communicate to each of these touch- companies that don’t (Aberdeen Group)
points,  Companies that use marketing automation generate

 And continuously benchmarking best practice case 50% more leads with 33% lower cost. (Forrester Re-
studies. search)
 Companies that automate lead management report-
Real-time marketing automation is the key to the ed a revenue growth of 10% in the first six to nine
customer months. (Gartner)
 Marketing automation increases the effectiveness of
Clearly, the key to meet the demands of the market lies the salesmen by 14.5% and lowers overhead costs
in the proper use of real-time marketing automation in marketing by 12.5%. (Nucleus Research)
technology and needs to be able to represent four core
capabilities:  Three-fourth of all companies that use marketing
automation achieve ROI within the first twelve
 The automated execution of communication months, 44% within the first six months. (Focus)
measures, individually for each user, in real time,
based on his/her reactions.  77% of marketing automation users were able to in-
crease their conversion rate (VB Insight) and 32%
 The dynamic adaptation of the content at the time of achieve higher revenues already after one year.
use to the context: e.g. location, weather, position in (Circle Research)
the customer lifecycle, or characteristics of the end
device.  B2C marketers that used marketing automation for
campaigns – e.g. remarketing at shopping cart
 The integration of all relevant channels in a lifecycle, abandonment - achieved conversion rates of up to
e.g. in addition to email, as well in social media, 50%. (eMarketer)
WhatsApp or mobile push-messages in geo-fencing
contexts. Automating processes in dialogue marketing quite obvi-
ously lead to significant increases in efficiency and ef-
 The fully data privacy-compliant collection, pro- fectiveness. Hence, the next logical step in the evolu-
cessing, and storage of real-time response data. tion of marketing automation is going real-time to meet
the increasing demands of the market, such as dynami-
Benefits of real-time marketing automation cally played communication activities across all touch-
So far, it sounds as if company would only rely on real-
time marketing automation, in order not to lose out. This By Daniela La Marca
is basically correct, but only part of the truth.

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