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Counting the benefits

Issues marketers previously faced with programmatic
will become less of a barrier to entry into the program-
matic realm.

In 2016, we will see a shift towards marketers using pro-
grammatic advertising in their digital efforts, as the ben-
efits of this solution are further realized. Programmatic
advertising enables automated real-time digital ad bid-
ding, allowing marketers greater cost and time savings,
ad optimization and insights into their ad spend.

One area where we anticipate marketers to get smarter
is goal optimization. For example, an impression does Rahul Vasudev, Managing Director APAC, MediaMath
not necessarily equate to user engagement. It raises
awareness but does not track a user’s action from there
on out, leaving gaps in reporting, and does not ensure a allowing marketers and advertisers to provide relevant
return on investment. Ads can be optimized against and contextually-aware content to potential customers.
more realistic outcomes like product purchases or
downloads, time spent on site, or even landing page One of the biggest trends in recent times is the shift
views. Marketers will slowly become more attuned to towards the adoption of mobile phones in APAC, with a
tracking better metrics, and see improved ROIs as a projected 62.5% of people owning a mobile or smart
result. phone . While mobile provides an opportunity to have a
more personal reach to an individual, using this as an
Omni-app advertising independent channel greatly reduces the impact of your
information. In 2016, we will see the true value in mo-
The past year, we saw a rise in brands and marketers bile, as marketers look towards connecting multiple
using social media for outreach. These platforms pro- devices in their marketing efforts and layering this out-
gressively look to provide greater advertising avenues, reach in real-world context, to better engage with their
and it is important for marketers to fully understand their audiences.
capabilities. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have
opened up their ad APIs, and brands are leveraging There will be a rise in marketers further leveraging on
these platforms with highly creative sales tactics. Other mobile technologies in 2016, allowing the benefits of
social apps like Snapchat will increasingly come into the highly accurate, fresh and relevant data coupled with
fray. cross-device collaboration, which optimizes delivery
based not only on the device used, but also by the con-
This year, we will see greater cross-application market- text it is being used for.
ing as marketers tap into diverse user groups, bringing
targeted creatives and content to specific audiences. Looking into our crystal ball

Having a pool of data from these social channels will The year ahead is increasingly looking to be one where
allow marketers to target their audiences based on a marketers in APAC integrate new technologies into
number of details including behavior and demography, their marketing efforts, optimizing budgets, reducing
much better than ever before. Marketers can look to costs and improving reporting. As data steadily be-
target their desired audience across multiple applica- comes the means for marketers to easily reach their
tions, serving diverse creatives based on the user’s pre- audiences, we will see a fundamental shift in consumer
ferred social media platforms, all within seconds. brand interaction towards a more personal, and con-
structive relationship. One that is powered by the ability
Unlocking the full potential of mobile to manage audience data, and target the right audienc-
es at the right time, to serve the right marketing tactic.◊
Imagine this – a user who has been browsing men’s
shoes on his desktop and entering sports shoe stores,
would be a prime target for a sports brand to serve a By Rahul Vasudev,
relevant ad when the user nears the store’s radius. Managing Director, APAC, MediaMath
When the user is attracted by the ad and enters the
store, a promotional offer is then pushed right to the
mobile device. Hyperlocal targeting is the ability to tar-
get small areas, like the radius from a store location,

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