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         Similarly,  Marketing  Cloud  campaign  data  is  now    Marketing  Cloud  Interaction  Studio:  Interaction
         available within Analytics 360 to deliver tailored web   Studio enables companies to visualize, analyze and
         content to individuals based on their interactions with   deliver   contextually   relevant   experiences   to
         Marketing  Cloud  campaigns.  This  also  enables    consumers  -  such  as  e.g.  offers,  promotions,
         marketers  to  better  understand  marketing  attribution   discounts across a brand’s owned online and offline
         by  seeing  how  their  content  has  influenced     channels,  including  email,  social,  mobile  and  in-
         transactions.                                        store.  With  real-time  interaction  management,
                                                              Interaction  Studio  suggests  the  next  best  offer  for
       New  Marketing  Cloud  Einstein  innovations  for      consumers  based  on  how  they  are  interacting  with
       building    new     audiences     and     creating     the brand.
       personalized Customer Journeys
                                                             Service  Cloud  LiveMessage:  LiveMessage  is
                                                              expanding  SMS  support  globally  to  17  additional
       Salesforce Einstein is artificial intelligence for CRM, built   countries  in  APAC,  EMEA  and  Latin  America,
       into the Salesforce Platform. Einstein now delivers nearly
       two  billion  predictions  every  day,  empowering  business   including  Since  and  Brazil.  LiveMessage  enables
                                                              companies to communicate with customers through
       users  to  be  more  productive,  make  smarter  decisions
       and  deliver  more  personalized  customer  experiences.   two-way   mobile   messaging.   Customers   can
                                                              message a brand to ask a question, initiate a return
       With Marketing Cloud Einstein, marketers can predict the   or  schedule  a  delivery  time.  With  the  newly
       optimal  timing,  channel,  content  and  audience  for  any   expanded  global  availability  for  SMS,  customer
       marketing message.
                                                              service teams can message with customers located
                                                              in  other  countries  around  the  world,  regardless  of
       The latest Marketing Cloud Einstein innovations include:
                                                              carrier  or  device  manufacturer,  using  a  local
         Einstein   Segmentation:   Leveraging   machine
         learning and pattern analysis, Einstein Segmentation,   The  future  of  CRM:  Integrated  Cross-Cloud
         part  of  the  Salesforce  data  management  platform   Experiences
         (DMP),  analyzes  billions  of  consumer  signals,
         uncovers  patterns  in  consumer  behavior  and   Seventy  percent  of  consumers  say  connected
         discovers new  audiences to reach  with personalized   processes—such  as  seamless  handoffs  between
         messages. Now, marketers will be able to use AI to   departments   and   channels,   or   contextualized
         build the most relevant audience for every campaign.   engagement  based  on  earlier  interactions—are  very
                                                           important  to  win  their  business.  Sales,  service,
         Einstein  Splits: Einstein Splits enables marketers to  marketing and commerce teams that have traditionally
         create  unique,  personalized  journey  paths  for  each  concerned  themselves  only  with  one  part  of  the
         customer.  Now,  marketers  can  save  time  with  pre-  customer  journey  must  now  consider  every  customer
         configured  decision  splits  based  on  Einstein  touchpoint.
         engagement  likelihood  scores.  They  can  also  drag-
         and-drop  Einstein  Split  decision  flows  in  Marketing  At Connections, Salesforce is introducing new ways to
         Cloud Journey Builder to test different journey paths  integrate  Salesforce  Clouds  to  deliver  the  seamless
         and message tactics based on a customer’s likelihood  cross-channel experiences that consumers want:
         to open, click or unsubscribe from an email; convert
         on  a  brand’s  website;  or  their  engagement  persona,    Service  for  Commerce:  New  levels  of  integration
         such as a loyalist or dormant customer.
                                                              between  Service  Cloud  and  Commerce  Cloud  will
                                                              increase customer satisfaction and enable customer
       New  product  innovations  enable  intelligent         service to become more agile. For example, service
       customer engagement across every touchpoint            agents can access real-time commerce data within a
                                                              single  Service  Cloud  console,  including  up-to-date
       New  marketing,  commerce  and  service  innovations   shopper data and order-on-behalf-of capabilities that
       across  the  Salesforce  Customer  Success  Platform   unlock selling opportunities.
       empower companies to personalize experiences that put
       the customer at the center of their business, including:    Commerce   Journeys:  By  bringing  together
                                                              Marketing  Cloud  and  Commerce  Cloud,  marketers
         Commerce     Cloud    B2B    Commerce:      B2B     and  merchandisers  will  be  able  to  trigger
         Commerce      delivers   consumer-like   shopping    transactional  and  behavioral  journeys  based  on
         experiences  to  business  buyers,  but  with  the  B2B-  customer  actions,  such  as  abandoning  a  shopping
         specific  funconality  they  need  -  such  as  custom   cart, confirming an account or making a purchase. ◊
         catalogs,  authenticated  logins,  one-click  reordering
         for  large  orders,  multiple  shipping  locations  and                              By MediaBUZZ
         payment  types,  and  the  ability  to  place  orders  with
         hundreds or thousands of SKUs.

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