Page 32 - AeM_June_2018
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             The 4th Industrial Revolution creates a

             customer divide that Salesforce knows

             how to tackle

            Salesforce  announced  new  innovations  across      In  fiscal  2018,  Salesforce  powered  nearly  two  trillion
            marketing,  commerce  and  service  enabling  brands   B2B  and  B2C  transactions  across  sales,  service,
            worldwide  to  deliver  smarter,  more  personalized  and   marketing,  commerce  and  more.  Now,  the  world’s  #1
            connected   customer   experiences.   In   addition,   CRM  platform  presents  its  new  approaches  to  deliver
            Salesforce  and  Google  continued  to  deliver  on  their   smarter   engagement   across   every   customer
            strategic  partnership  with  new  integrations  between   touchpoint.
            Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Google Analytics 360
            becoming  available.  Salesforce  is  showcasing  these   New   integrations   between     Salesforce
            innovations  and  more  at  Connections,  where  top   Marketing  Cloud  and  Google  Analytics  360
            brands  gather  to  learn  how  they  can  deliver  next-  transform marketing effectiveness
            generation customer engagement.
                                                                 The  integrations  between  Marketing  Cloud  and
            According  to  the  recent  Salesforce  State  of  the   Analytics 360 empower marketers to deliver meaningful
            Connected  Customer  report,  80%  of  customers  say   consumer  experiences,  since  both  industry-leading
            that  the  experience  a  company  provides  is  as   offerings   provide   valuable   insights   vital   to
            important  as  its  products  or  services,  and  57%  have   understanding  the  consumer.  Now,  marketers  can
            stopped buying from a company because a competitor   more efficiently bring those insights together without IT
            provided a better experience. Yet companies struggle   involvement, empowering them to build more effective
            to keep pace with customers’ expectations for smarter,   marketing campaigns around every consumer, notably:
            faster and always-on experiences, which are driven by
            the role disruptive new technologies play in their daily
            lives.  In  the  Fourth  Industrial  Revolution,  every    Consumer  insights  from  both  Marketing  Cloud  and
            interaction  on  every  channel  is  a  “make  or  break”   Analytics  360  can  now  be  combined  into  a  single
            moment  where  brands  will  either  strengthen  that   customer journey  analytics dashboard  in  Marketing
            relationship or further the divide.                     Cloud, enabling marketers to analyze cross-channel
                                                                    insights in one place.
            “The  easiest,  smartest  and  most  connected  digital
            experience sets the bar for everything else, and every    With  an  integration  available  in  beta  in  Q3  2018,
            company's success depends upon its ability to keep up   marketers  will  be  able  to  create  audiences  —  like
            with  rising  customer  expectations,"  said  Bret  Taylor,   category  buyers,  loyalty  members  and  abandoned
            President and Chief Product Officer, Salesforce, proud   browsers — in Analytics 360 and then activate those
            that his company empowers brands worldwide  with  a     audiences for engagement within Marketing Cloud.
            trusted and proven platform to put the customer at the
            center of every digital engagement.

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