Page 28 - AeM_June_2018
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             AppNexus expands inventory quality

             initiative and introduces Guaranteed Views

            AppNexus  just  announced  a  partnership  with  the   These  problems  have  persisted  because  the
            cybersecurity  company  White  Ops  to  shut  down  the   sophistication  and  scale  of  fraud  continues  to  grow
            flow of advertising dollars to cybercriminals. AppNexus   rapidly  while  companies  across  the  digital  advertising
            adopts White  Ops’  technology  layer  to  power  pre-bid   ecosystem  use  different  detection  methodologies  that
            fraud  prevention  across  the  AppNexus  Marketplace   vary  widely  in  effectiveness  and  slow  down
            and extend its in-house Inventory Quality team’s focus   collaboration.  Most  of  these  solutions  are  built  or
            to include advanced research on emerging challenges   incentivized  to  detect  traffic  after  it  has  been
            like  hate  speech  and  “fake  news”  and  formats  like   transacted.
            video and native.
                                                                 “The fight against malicious botnets is about winning an
            “The  only  way  to  end  digital  ad  fraud  outright  is  to   asymmetric economic warfare,” said Sandeep Swadia,
            change  the  economic  incentive  system,”  said  Brian   CEO,  White  Ops.  “Bot  operators  invest  heavily  in
            O’Kelley,  CEO,  AppNexus.  “By  adopting  White  Ops’   imitation  and  evasion  techniques  to  perpetrate  mass
            industry-leading  prevention  and  detection  technology,   exploitation  through  ad  fraud  and  information
            we  can  leverage  our  marketplace  scale  to  cut  bad   manipulation.  That’s  why  AppNexus,  with  its  breadth
            actors off from their revenue before – not after – they   and presence across the web, is an important partner
            have defrauded the advertiser. We’re making this the   in  this  good  fight.  Our  joint  mission  is  to  strike  at  the
            default  standard  on  the  AppNexus  Marketplace,  and   heart  of  the  ad  fraud  by  shutting  down  the  flow  of
            hope others will follow suit to make ad fraud punitively   dollars   to   fraudulent   criminals.   This   broad
            expensive for criminals to pursue.”                  counteroffensive  will  be  good  for  the  ad  industry  and
                                                                 good for the entire internet.”
            Currently,  bad  actors  employ  various  techniques  to
            siphon  advertising  dollars  away  from  legitimate   AppNexus  announced  in  addition  the  launch  of
            publishers,  such  as  creating  sites  that  are  solely   Guaranteed  Views,  a  marketplace  product  that
            designed    to   generate   advertising   revenue.   changes the way advertising is bought and sold on the
            Cybercriminals may also generate traffic and sell it to   open  internet.  Guaranteed  Views  enables  marketers
            digital  publishers,  which  is  the  fundamental  failure  of   and agencies to pay only for ads that are measured as
            the  digital  advertising  supply  chain:  if  traffic  looks   viewable  and  is,  according  to  AppNexus,  the  first
            human  and  eludes  detection  systems,  it  drives   programmatic  product  that  enables  100%  viewable
            revenue  for  both  the  publisher  and  the  bad  actor.

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