Page 30 - AeM_June_2018
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             ‘Irdeto Armor’ protects the device, data

             and services built on Android TV

            At ConnecTechAsia, the new mega technology  event    In  any  case,  the  competition  from  digital  platforms  is
            in  Singapore,  Irdeto  just  launched  its  Android  TV   clearly  intensifying  and  relying  on  audience  lock-in
            security  solution  named  “Irdeto  Armor”,  which  has   doesn’t  work  any  longer.  Open  platforms  like  Android
            been designed to protect the device, data and services   TVallow  operators  to  future-proof  their  set-top  boxes
            built on Android TV.                                 and   provide   consumers   with   choice,   besides
                                                                 addressing security challenges unconditionally.
            “Changes  in  consumer  behavior,  the  growth  of
            unmanaged  devices  and  the  rapid  evolution  of  STB   Irdeto Armor for Android TV enables operators to reap
            platforms are just some of the challenges faced today   the benefits of Android TV while maintaining full control
            by  pay  TV  operators,”  said  Andrew  Bunten,  SVP  of   of  security  on  their  platform,  including  managing
            Content  Protection  at  Irdeto.  “Hence,  the  need  to   content piracy and  preventing  loading  of unauthorized
            differentiate  on  content  is  starting  to  become  more   software.  It  combines  conditional  access  and
            critical than ever. Open platforms like Android TV allow   watermarking to protect premium content like 4K UHD.
            operators  to  future-proof  their  STB  and  provide   The  solution  also  provides  operators  with  advanced
            consumers  with  choice.  At  the  same  time,  protecting   security  services  to  help  them  manage  a  variety  of
            open platforms is crucial to preventing loss of revenue,   threats while ensuring an optimal viewing experience.
            STB investment, content and data as well as any other
            damage to the operator’s brand. With Irdeto, operators   Best of all, Irdeto supports a variety of chipsets from its
            have  a  trusted  security  partner  to  help  them  achieve   partners  and  Irdeto  Armor  for  Android  TV  comes  pre-
            their business goals on any platform.”               integrated and ready-to-certify with Irdeto Cloaked CA,
                                                                 the most widely deployed cardless Conditional Access
            Indeed,  customer  preferences  seem  to  change  fast,   (CA) solution in the world.  ◊
            considering that reported that TV time
            is  shrinking  while  mobile  time  is  increasing  and                          By Daniela La Marca
            generally  predicts  that  smartphones  will  be  the  new
            leader in time spent by 2019.

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