Page 35 - AeM_June_2018
P. 35


       Immersive media is driving the next

       wave of creativity and storytelling

                                                           vendors,  open  standard  efforts,  as  well  as  media
                                                           companies  and  the  creative  community  to  deliver  a
                                                           comprehensive AR offering.

                                                           In  collaboration  with  Apple  and  Pixar,  Adobe  is  now
                                                           announcing   usdz   support   to   Adobe   Creative
                                                           Cloud apps and services, enabling designers to create
                                                           AR  content  from  popular  creative  tools  such
                                                           as  Photoshop  CC  and  Dimension  CC  and  convert
                                                           assets into usdz that can be natively consumed in the
                                                           Apple                                   ecosystem.

                                                           As  AR  content  development  today  requires  a
                                                           combination  of  creativity  and  technical  skills,  Project
                                                           Aero  will  deliver  a  system  for  both  developers  and
                                                           creatives  to  build  simple  AR  scenes  and  experiences
                                                           leveraging Apple’s ARKit. Designers can easily create
       Adobe  just  announced  at  the  Apple’s  Worldwide  immersive content that can then be brought into Xcode
       Developers  Conference  (WWDC)  2018  its  partnership  for further refinement and development.
       with Apple and introduced Project Aero, a powerful new
       augmented  reality  (AR)  authoring  tool  and  system  that   Adobe  mission  has  always  been  to  push  the  limits  of
       makes  it  easier  for  designers  and  developers  to  create   creativity and storytelling, and continuously innovate to
       immersive  content  and  bridge  the  gap  between  the   support exciting new mediums. Project Aero is the first
       physical  and  digital  worlds.  You  can  rest  assure  that  it   step to outfit creative professionals with the tools they
       will change the way we work, learn, and play, expanding   need  to  create  immersive  experiences  that  will
       digital  experiences  beyond  the  screen  to  the  world   transform the world.
       around us.
                                                           Over  the  coming  months  and  at  the  upcoming  Adobe
                                                           MAX  2018,  you  will  hear  more  about  its  journey  to
       Fully realizing that the potential of AR requires a broad
       ecosystem,  Adobe  is  working  with  leading  platform   extend digital experiences beyond the screen.◊

                                                                                             By MediaBUZZ


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