Page 34 - AeM_June_2018
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             Be connected on the go

            Mobility  is  gaining  traction  worldwide.  By  2022,  more   Compliant  with  the  GSMA  Remote  SIM  Provisioning
            than 4 in 10 employees around the world are expected   specifications,  Gemalto  eSIM  is  fully  integrated  with
            to    be    mobile,    according    to    Strategy   Windows  10.  Users  can  easily  activate  the  default
            Analytics  and  IDC  reported  that  global  spending  on   telecom  operator  profile  which  comes  with  the  new
            mobility-related  hardware,  software,  and  services  –   Acer Swift 7. Later on, they can switch to their preferred
            such as smartphones, enterprise mobility management   mobile  network  operator  without  the  need  to  change
            software  and  mobile  connectivity  services  will  reach   SIM cards as eSIM is globally interoperable across all
            US$1.72 trillion by 2021, up by 8.5% compared to last   carriers. Thanks to reliable and always-on mobile eSIM
            year.                                                connectivity, professionals gain in work productivity and
                                                                 efficiency wherever they are.
            Due to an increasing need for workplace mobility, Acer
            incorporated  Gemalto  miniaturized  embedded  SIM   “Similar  to  smartphones,  always-connected  PCs  such
            (eSIM)  into  its  Swift  7  laptops  now,  to  offer  ultra-  as  Acer’s  Swift  7  will  get  notifications  and  pull  data
            portable  always-connected  PCs  that  enable  users  to   without ever disconnecting. We are delighted to provide
            be connected on the go.                              this  seamless  connectivity,  which  will  in  turn  help
                                                                 organizations  better  serve  the  needs  of  the  growing
            "With Gemalto’s proven expertise in eSIM deployment,   pool  of  mobile  workers,”  said  Sashidhar  Thothadri,
            the Acer Swift 7 can help professionals stay productive   senior  vice  president,  Mobile  Services  &  IOT  Asia,
            with flexible and seamless connectivity on the go," said   Gemalto. ◊
            Jerry Hou, General Manager, Consumer Notebooks, IT
            Products Business, Acer.                                                               By MediaBUZZ

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