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Integrated solution for automating and

accelerating advanced security

services deployment just launched

Intel Security is renowned for its The Intel Security Controller trans-
innovative approach and strategy to parently runs as a broker between
hardware-enhanced security, as the VMware NSX infrastructure and
well as its unique McAfee Global the Intel Security’s McAfee NSP.
Threat Intelligence, protecting sys- Working in conjunction with the
tems, networks, and mobile devices VMware NSX Manager, it enables
for business and personal use network IPS protection to be dy-
around the world. namically and automatically provi-
sioned to help protect intra-VM traf-
Now, the company announced an fic based on the defined policies
integrated solution that leverages a and requirements, allowing admin-
‘Software-Defined Data Center’ ap- istrators to experience a “plug-in”
proach with VMware’s NSX network like environment that enables sup-
virtualization platform. Enterprise port for micro-segmentation, securi-
and Service Provider customers will ty profiles, workflows, policies, and
benefit from simplified orchestra- groups.
tion, chaining and delivery of the
same advanced services inside the Tom Corn, Senior Vice President, automate the provisioning and deliv-
data center that Intel Security pro- Security Products, VMware said: ery of IPS services for protecting
vides for north-south traffic at the “This collaboration between traffic inside the Data Center and
perimeter of the data center. VMware and Intel Security delivers scaling these services dynamically
“With the Intel Security and VMware clear value for our mutual custom- in response to customer demand.
integration, McAfee NSP provides ers, enabling them to have consist-
integration within VMware NSX to ently high levels of threat protection “Security is a critical concern for our
allow customers to apply advanced for traffic both inside the data cen- health care customers, who must
security capabilities for the protec- ter and at the data center perime- deliver patient services quickly in a
tion of east-west traffic in the data ter. The tight integration between secure manner. We use VMware
center, which makes up the majority VMware NSX and Intel Security’s NSX network virtualization to simpli-
of traffic in these environments. The McAfee NSP means security con- fy and automate the delivery of Intel
McAfee NSP takes advantage of trols follow application workloads, Security’s McAfee NSP through our
the VMware NSX platform’s distrib- allowing customers to dynamically new Cloud. This allows us to offer
uted micro-segmentation enforce- scale security services.” our customers the same advanced
ment and simplified automated pro- levels of threat protection for all
visioning, creating a zero-trust envi- Their customers are immediately their data center traffic, with security
ronment to automatically help pro- benefiting from this new solution, controls aligned with each applica-
tect organizations’ assets against as for instance the healthcare cloud tion", said Matt Ferrari, CTO,
advanced threats.” said Raja Patel, provider ClearDATA, whose cus- ClearDATA.
General Manager for the Network tomers require HIPAA compliant
Security Business Unit, Intel Securi- cloud hosting, backup, disaster re- You might want to consider giving it
ty. covery, and information security a try as well, especially since the
services. Meeting these rigorous
In detail, the new integrated solution demands requires ClearDATA to mission of Intel Security is to give
everyone the confidence to live and
involves the McAfee NSP IPS- provide advanced threat protection work safely in the digital world. ◊
VM100-VSS (a new IPS-VM Series uniformly for all data center traffic
model designed for interoperability coming into the data center as well
with VMware NSX), McAfee Net- as within the data center without By MediaBUZZ
work Security Manager, and Intel increased complexity. The integrat-
Security Controller and VMWare ed solution allows ClearDATA to
NSX network virtualization platform.

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