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Real-time communication and

personalization can be a piece of cake

with modern marketing technologies

Marketing managers must deal with increasingly de-  Create a uniform database: Despite all the rhet-
manding consumers on one hand, while grappling with oric about the importance of integrated teams and
increasing efficiency and profitability pressure for the working methods, data silos are still a reality in
company on the other. To meet the expectations of both most companies. However, a uniform database is
groups, marketing technologies must be fully exploited the basis of any holistic marketing strategy today.
and listening to the voices of the customers has to be- CMOs can only orchestrate a customer journey
come second nature. successfully in real-time if they have the correct
information and understand both the customer and
It’s essential to give your customers a lot of attention to its context. To achieve that, they need data from
reach them with the right messages at the right time and other areas, such as customer service, marketing,
meet your expectations regarding marketing perfor- or social media. First, a central data platform has
mance and ROI. Here are some tips on how modern to be established, which then forms the center-
marketing technologies can help you to perform this bal- piece of the marketing work.
ancing act:
 Make cross-channel the modus operandi: More
 Approach customer journey management strate- and more mobile devices mean a growing number
gically: CMOs that tackle the entire purchase de- of channels that are used by consumers to do re-
cision process of the customer in an integrated way search or compare offers prior to a purchase. Most
are more successful than marketers who consider companies recognized that fact and pin their hopes
the different phases separately or control their cus- today on a variety of channels to interact with ex-
tomer interactions ad hoc. It doesn’t matter, whether isting and potential customers. However, whoever
a customer has canceled the purchase process after nowadays just spreads standardized content via
a brief research or put something into the shopping various channels, passes up the golden opportuni-
cart but never ordered: Keep the entire customer ty that lies in cross-channel marketing, namely of-
journey in view to have an appropriate strategy for fering the customer a consistent and personalized
every conceivable situation at hand. Only then is it brand experience across all channels. The first
possible to address the customers instantly and in a step is therefore to understand that effective cross-
personalized way, with relevant content. channel marketing requires planning and a subor-

22 Data-Driven Marketing: Customer Insights & Predictive Analysis
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