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In a smart city scenario, it can be used to message city With an estimated 20.8 billion connected things in use
officials on crowd movements and formations. Bosch, for by 2020 according to Gartner, IoT is driving the growth
instance, has started to integrate the UnificationEngine of new ecosystems and collaboration between small
into its surveillance cameras, which are ‘smart at the startups and large enterprises that are seeking to cre-
edge’, where intelligent video analysis takes place within ate innovative customer services and business models.
the camera, while Unified Inbox provides the messaging That’s why ‘IBM is excited to be working with Unified
platform for people to interact with to connected things. Inbox on exploring the tremendous possibilities of IoT
With the two technologies combined, users are able to and collaborating even more to bring best-in-class IoT
communicate with their surveillance cameras in a natural solutions to customers around the world", Jason Jame-
and intuitive manner via text to receive real-time infor- son, Director, Watson Internet of Things, Asia Pacific,
mation such as human traffic. said.

“By bringing together IoT with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Watson represents a new era in computing called cog-
and unified messaging, we have created the world’s first nitive computing, where systems understand the world
UnificationEngine, a device- and platform-agnostic mid- the way humans do: through senses, learning, and ex-
dleware that enables products and software to simply perience. It continuously learns from previous interac-
communicate with people and things’, Toby Ruckert, tions, gaining in value and knowledge over time. As
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Unified Inbox part of IBM’s strategy to accelerate the growth of cogni-
explained. “Our UnificationEngine enables communica- tive computing, Watson is open to the world, allowing a
tion seamlessly, with the significant benefit of eliminating growing community of developers, entrepreneurs and
the need for an app, helping companies to succeed in the tech enthusiasts to easily tap into the most advanced
rapidly expanding new markets of IoT and AI’, he added. and diverse cognitive computing platform available to-
day. ◊
The IBM Watson Conversation Service makes this possi- By MediaBUZZ
ble, performing virtual personal assistance across a wide
variety of use cases and powering the cognitive conver-
sations within UnificationEngine.

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