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‘Wander’ App brings back the 'social' in social

networking and the ‘personal’ to the mass

Say goodbye to posting on social networks and waiting “Social networks today have lost reason for being - to
for comments, feedback and likes, as Wander is the truly connect people. We've got so many Facebook
new, better way of interacting with other people digital- 'friends', but we don't share anything in common. The
ly. future of social networks isn’t about collecting likes and
followers, or siloing you with people you know. The fu-
The app Wander connects like-minded people through ture is in helping you find the personal in the mass,"
its group messaging platform, allowing people discov- says Wander founder, Krystal Choo.
er, join and create chat channels on Wander easily
from anywhere. In these channels they can discuss "Wander provides that personal connection we’ve been
topics that matter to them with strangers as a group, lacking by letting us communicate in tribes of Wander-
and send photos ,GIFs and run polls – in real-time. ers, just like us, with common passions like yoga or in-
die bands. It's time to bring back the 'social' in social
People can choose how robust or anonymous they networking."
want their profiles on Wander to be and private infor- Wander is free to download and available globally, in
mation, such as emails, are never displayed. In open several languages, on the Apple AppStore and the An-
beta (on iOS) since September 2016, thousands of droid Play Store. In the future, people will be able to
Wanderers have created over 600 different channels, chat on Wander from their web browser.
and are connecting with new people daily over a wide
range of topics. Download Wander directly or visit for
a preview of live chat channels, videos, and screen-
Wander’s chat channels are useful for tribes of people shots of the app. Sometimes friends don’t get it, so why
sharing interests (e.g. travelling, photography), life not chatting with strangers instead about topics that
stages (e.g. new parents, university students), and matter – in exciting chat channels on Wander. ◊
communities (e.g. expats and activists). Wander can
power existing communities that lack exposure and By MediaBUZZ
deep engagement – with powerful discoverability and
real-time chat. Wander can also power events to ex-
tend their impact, as attendees can chat with each oth-
er before, during, and after the event about top-of-mind

42 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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