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L-R: Jason Jameson, Director, Watson Internet of Things, Asia Pacific and Toby Ruckert, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Unified Inbox

Unified Inbox and IBM Watson

delve into communication between

people and machines

IBM announced it is collaborating with Unified Inbox, a IBM Watson powers the natural language and conver-
Singapore-based intelligent IoT messaging company, sational intelligence of UIB’s unique UnificationEngine
to provide businesses with the world’s first intelligent platform, which makes it possible for users to communi-
‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) messaging platform, using cate with their appliances.
IBM Watson. IBM will also provide Unified Inbox, an
IBM Cloud (Bluemix) partner, API and platform sup- It means, for example, you can chat with your coffee
port. maker on WhatsApp or Viber to make yourself a cap-
puccino, and it will ask you how strong you want it, and
Known as the UnificationEngine, the messaging plat- with how much sugar and milk. The coffee maker can
form is to date the only technology compatible with then message you again on WhatsApp or other chan-
over 20 international messaging platforms and proto- nels to alert you that your coffee is ready.
cols including legacy channels of email and SMS; so-
cial media channels such as Twitter, Weibo, and Face- Beyond consumer appliances, the UnificationEngine
book; and messaging apps and chatbots from Line, can also be used in smart enterprise use cases such as
WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and others. messaging commuters waiting for a bus.
46 March 2017 - Social Media & Influencer Marketing
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