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“This strategy makes the brand the owner of a reality make sure we’re resonating with each market”, he said.
format, authentically supercharged through influencers The series finale takes place at a super-influencer stud-
to highlight SK-II’s #changedestiny philosophy”, he af- ded event in Okinawa, attended by press, top influenc-
firmed. ers and celebrities, including Chiara Ferragni.

Although Brave Bison is the largest social video broad- Ferragni said: “I am so happy to have this opportunity
caster and agency in the world, Samuel believes Brave to be the global judge for Beauty Bound Season Two.
Bison’s ability to tap into the local Asian market is a gen- In my own journey as a creator, there were many times
uine strength, developing, producing and activating the where I doubted myself because we didn’t have many
format in Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, role models to follow when I first started out in 2009.
Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The challenges faced by emerging creators are no
stranger to me, so being able to support creators in
"At Brave Bison, we’re first local, second regional, and Asia on their journey is very meaningful to me.” ◊
third global. Through this campaign, we’ve tapped into
our strong content capability we have across Asia to By MediaBUZZ

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