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AdParlor’s new technology disrupts

traditional digital creative testing

AdParlor Asia launched Intelligence Tags™, a technolo-
gy that uses artificial intelligence to test the creative ef-
fectiveness across a range of social ads, including imag-
es, videos, as well as unique formats such as GIFs, cine-
magraphs, canvas ads and text.

“Marketing today is about asking ‘why’, and producing
answers backed by data,” Matt Sutton, CEO, AdParlor
Asia said, “Intelligence Tags will streamline the mechani-
cal side of the question, so they can focus on creating
better solutions rather than assessing the problem”.

As commonly known, the most important KPIs for social
media are reach, interaction rate, website traffic, conver-
sion rate, SEO improvements and sentiment (mood). But
with growing interest in social media marketing comes
more focus on metrics for measuring its success and
AdParlor Asia aims to take the guesswork out of knowing In addition to the automatic tags, advertisers can add
what elements of each creative work and why. their own custom tags to any asset. The system then
analyzes those tags across an advertiser’s entire library
Insights range from product analysis, background, color, to understand what elements perform best.
copy, and the contents of an image all through advanced
visual analysis. “AdParlor continues to bring innovation through its
technology, enabling customers to draw insights
“Elements in a creative should not be taken for granted, and take action focusing on key business metrics”
especially in Asia where cultures and perceptions can be said Vedang Gajjar, VP Strategy at AdParlor Asia Pa-
incredibly diverse. Creatives need to be tested and cific.
measured to ensure they perform in your market,” Sutton
said. The technology is initially available for Facebook and
Instagram campaigns, but will be available on Pinterest
The Intelligence Tags feature scans the contents of im- and Snapchat in the near future.◊
ages and videos and automatically tags elements. By MediaBUZZ

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