Page 41 - AeM_June_2018
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       apps and ad-blockers are more popular than ever, with   If  they’re  visiting  a  site  and  looking  for  something  in
       30% of internet users set to use one in 2018.       particular, disruption affects their whole process, which
                                                           is a problem for them.”
       In  our  film  ‘Consumer  Behavior,’  Isabelle  Szmigin,
       Professor of Marketing at Birmingham University, breaks   “On the other hand, finding something that disrupts us
       down two key pieces of consumer behavior that present   in  a  way  that  grabs  our  attention  makes  us  think  or
       a  serious  challenge  to  publishers  and  brands  -  multi-  makes  us  look  at  it  can  be  a  good  thing.  The  trick  to
       screening and perceptual vigilance.                 overcoming  perceptual  vigilance  is  finding  disruption
                                                           that consumers can relate to. Publishers have got to be
       Multi-screening  is  a  relatively  new  problem  facing   aware  of  different  age  socio-economic  groups  who
       advertisers - it’s now completely normal for consumers to   might  be  consuming  their  content.  When  we  can  find
       switch  from  one  screen  to  another  -  whether  to  avoid   something  that  is  specific  and  interesting  to  particular
       advertising content or simply because they are distracted   groups,  we  should  aim  to  match  these  stories  with
       by what’s happening on another device:              relevant                                audiences.“

       Szmigin explains: “One of the problems advertisers face   The  key  to  ensuring  we’re  engaging  consumers  with
       when  consumers  are  using  multiple  platforms  is  that   content, rather than irritating them, is context. If we can
       consumers  are  taking  in  less  information  from  more   present consumers with content we know they are likely
       sources. Publishers have to think about getting a story or   to be interested in, we can use the element of surprise
       piece  of  information  across  quickly  and  succinctly.  We   to  our  advantage.  If  we  use  disruptive  techniques
       have to accept that consumers will be moving from their   without  considering  context,  we’re  likely  to  irritate
       phone to their tablet, to a TV.”                    consumers  and  risk  turning  them  off  our  brand,
                                                           message or campaign completely.
       Perceptual  vigilance,  meanwhile,  has  always  been
       around  -  but  an  increase  in  branded  content  across   With  the  advent  of  GDPR,  advertisers  have  a  real
       multiple platforms means consumers use this more and   opportunity  to  heed  this  advice  and  focus  on  creating
       more often nowadays. Essentially, perceptual vigilance is   compelling, narrative-led content to engage consumers,
       a  subconscious  mental  state  where  our  brain  is  ‘on   rather  than  the  hyperactive,  programmatic  approach
       guard’  to  deal  with  non-essential  content  -  often   that has helped create the attention-deficit economy we
       advertising. When adverts were delivered in predictable   now have.
       formats  like  four-minute  breaks  in  television  shows,  we
       could easily predict when to switch this ‘vigilance’ on, but   Now the reset button has been hit on consumer data, I
       in  the  age  of  branded  content  and  sponsored  social   firmly believe contextually targeted storytelling can help
       posts, we’re constantly having to decide for ourselves if   rebuild  a  degree  of  trust  between  advertisers  and
       content should  be taken at face value  or treated  as  an   consumers. If we’re delivering messaging that takes its
       advert.                                             cues  from  a  person’s  actual  interests  and  activities,
                                                           we’re much more likely to deliver relevant content that is
       This  presents  a  major  problem  when  it  comes  to   of interest to consumers, and in turn more likely to hold
       capturing  a  consumer’s  attention:  if  they  are  used  to   their attention long enough to convey our message. ◊
       exercising this perceptual vigilance, they’re automatically
       on  the  defensive  when  it  comes  to  giving  away  their
       attention or affection, and are less likely to engage with
       advertising content.

       Perceptual vigilance can also be used to tackle a method
       used by many modern brands and publishers: disruption.   By Kai Henniges, CEO,
                                                           video intelligence
       Szmigin explains how disruption can be both a positive
       and  a  negative  for  consumers:  “Doing  something  that’s
       different  or  unexpected  often  triggers  vigilance  -
       consumers  basically  filter  these  messages  out.  Very
       often consumers get annoyed if their lives are disrupted.

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