Page 44 - AeM_June_2018
P. 44


             Internet broadcasters can save millions

             by adding just a few lines of code,

             Teleport Media reveals

            A  naturally  growing  audience  is  a  longed-for  result  for  Clearly,  the  cost  of  the  broadcasting  infrastructure  is
            any owner of streaming services. Preferably, the growth  one  of  the  biggest  cost  units  for  any  internet
            is  predictable  and  manageable,  otherwise,  it  can  be  broadcaster.  Hence,  each  online  video  streaming
            detrimental when such growth is out of control and leads  website  and  application  is  faced  with  the  same
            to  unexpected  resource  drains.  Such  spikes  in  demand  challenge  –  how  to  deliver  substantial  traffic  to  every
            can downgrade the quality of service, which can result in  user with the highest quality at the best price.
            service  interruptions,  which  in  turn  diminishes  the  user
            experience. Of course, there are solutions on the market   In general, there are two ways to achieve that: either to
            which  manage  media  content  streams  without  straining   build   in-house   data-centers   and   manage   the
            the delivery infrastructure.                         connection  with  ISPs  or  to  use  third-party  Content
                                                                 Delivery Networks (CDN).
            For  internet  broadcasters,  media  content  is  king  and
            makes  delivery  quality  a  critical  parameter.  Media   Today  most  media  companies  that  supply  Internet
            formats are evolving constantly, adapting to new delivery   broadcasting services for video streaming to end users
            channels,  which  are  in  turn  evolving  as  well.  Often,   employ  standard  CDNs,  which  have  several  obvious
            media  formats  evolve  more  rapidly  than  delivery   restrictions of scale: decreases in quality during spikes
            channels,  with  new  and  complex  media  formats   in usage, limited capacity and high costs of growth.
            challenging the broadcasters, who are always striving to   Huge  numbers  of  users  are  generally  both  a  blessing
            grow and retain their audiences. Therefore, broadcasting   and  a  problem:  Despite  the  obvious  benefits  of
            executives are constantly thinking about how to achieve
            unparalleled  global  reach,  improved  scale  and  higher   audience growth, Live Streaming participants are faced
            viewing  quality,  while  at  the  same  time  significantly   with  problems  of  image  quality  degradation,  frame
                                                                 freezing  and  glitching,  and  CDN  performance  slumps
            reducing  the  operational  expenses  associated  with   during demand spikes.
            running their online video platform.

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