Page 45 - AeM_June_2018
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       However,  there  is  already  a  solution  that  allows   At  the  same  time,  no  media  company  using  these
       converting  a  huge  number  of  online  viewers  into  an   technologies  accrues  any  extra  costs  for  additional
       advantage  and  a  reason  for  ensuring  a  stable  and   infrastructure  development.  This  technology  optimizes
       completely  balanced  delivery  channel.  All  users  who   the  existing  infrastructure  ideally  and  maximizes
       participate  in  a  network  “organically  guarantee"  the   delivery  capacity.  And  you  pay  only  for  the  actual
       capacity  of  the  whole  delivery  network,  increasing  it   bandwidth usage.
       when  demand  grows.  Thus,  a  distributed  P2P  network
       becomes  a  pledge  and  guarantee  of  high  quality  video   The avalanche of content will continue to gain in volume
       delivery through a decentralized or peer-to-peer network,   month  to  month  every  year  and  you  need  to  stay
       no matter how large the audience.                   focused on delivering quality to  your customers. Here,
                                                           Teleport  Media  is  at  your  disposal  to  ensure  that
       Today  this  solution  already  works  on  hundreds  of   delivering media content does not become a budgeting
       thousands  of  devices  every  day.  Online  TV  and  Video   nightmare for you.
       Streaming  services  that  purchase  this  type  of  service
       save  money  on  traffic  delivery,  handle  spikes  during   One  of  the  most  important  competitive  advantages  of
       major events and maintain a high-quality level of service.   the above-mentioned solution is that its integration with
       This type of service delivers video streams to end users   any TV-channel takes no more than 15 minutes, so you
       through a P2P-distribution layered over the broadcaster's   can  start  benefiting  from  all  the  solutions’  advantages
       existing  CDN  topology,  that  is  built  in  real-time  as  the   within  one  day.  As  a  result,  you  get  an  immediate
       network  of  simultaneous  consuming  browsers  and   improvement  in  the  quality  of  media  content  delivery
       devices grows.                                      with simultaneous savings on broadcasting costs.

       Teleport  Media  can  help  you  introduce  this  solution  on   There  are  companies  whose  aim  is  to  scale  existing
       your platform to solve your needs. And it is worth noting   performance by creating a framework that enables the
       that  their  solution  isn’t  just  a  product  for  geeks,  but  a   construction of peer-to-peer CDNs while utilizing regular
       stable solution that is being used by a significant number   customer-level  devices  (PCs,  mobiles,  STBs,  etc.)  as
       of leading internet broadcasting services.          distribution nodes. These devices run special software
                                                           that  uploads  certain  video  content  of  a  certain  CDN
       A  couple  of  lines  of  JS  code  are  integrated  into  the   customer and then uploads it multiple times to multiple
       broadcasters  site  and  the  P2P  platform  immediately   content  viewers.  While  uploading  the  content,  the
       starts  to  build  a  highly  distributed  mesh  architecture   distributing  node  will  consume  outgoing  Internet
       network to relocate most of the bandwidth from the CDN   bandwidth that is currently not in use by the distributing
       to the P2P. This ensures more reliable, scalable delivery   node owner. The owner gets a reward that depends on
       while managing spikes in audience growth and provides   the volume of the traffic transferred and the price of the
       the  viewers  with  better  video  quality.  Moreover,   traffic unit.
       integration  by  using  JS  plugins  allows  you  to  connect
       any HTML5 player with zero or minimal customization.   We  have  reason  to  believe  that  soon  the  described
                                                           technology will take a strong place in the infrastructure
       The solution is based on the Google-supported WebRTC   of  online  broadcasting  companies  worldwide  and  will
       protocol,  which  is  already  implemented  in  more  than   contribute to the robust optimization of resources used
       75% of modern browsers and mobile devices, as well as   for  live  streaming.  This  will  help  achieve  unparalleled
       the latest generation Smart TVs. It allows for browsers to   global  reach,  improved  scale,  and  higher  viewing
       connect  with  each  other  and  for  direct  file  transfers   quality, while drastically reducing the operational costs
       between  them  without  the  involvement  of  the  server-  associated  with  running  a  successful  online  video
       based delivery infrastructure. For example, this protocol   platform. ◊
       is  used  in  all  conferencing  and  telephony  services  and
       webinar platforms.

       Using this type of P2P delivery can offload up to 80% of
       the  traffic,  thereby  using  15  times  less  server  capacity   By Dmitry Shuvaev,
       and bandwidth to deliver the same content for all kinds of   Teleport Media
       media  event  broadcasters:  Live  News,  Entertainment,
       Sports, etc.

                                                 MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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